Chapter 1:

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I'm so excited to meet everyone. Dad is finally letting me to get to know his players, he thinks I'm going to end up falling in love with one of them and being a distraction for his boys. Sounds pathetic if you ask me but anyway today is the day and I'm buzzed. I do although wonder if there is going to be any cute players though. What am I kidding, all this falling in love and finding the one is getting to my head. I've never really believed in that shit, I always have the fear of him cheating on me or leaving me for another girl, I don't know maybe I'm paranoid.
"Y/n we are almost there, remember what I said."
"Yeah, yeah I know. No flirting or distracting them in any way. You have told me enough times Dad."
"Just making sure. Here we are. The England camp."
"Yay at last."
"It was only round the corner stop being dramatic." My dad told me as we were stepping out the car.
"Says you. 'y/N dOn'T fLiRt' and you call me dramatic."
"Hey don't talk back."
"What do you expect. I'm defending myself."
"I don't want to fall out with you today." Typical parent quote that is, can never think of something original.
"Hello boys I would like you to meet my daughter Y/n." My father told them all.
"You have a daughter?" I heard in which I believe is the captain Harry Kane.
"That's lovely that is. You never spoken one word about me to them." I said sarcastically. I heard a few snickers in the crowd. "Yeah well I'm Y/n, I'm 22 and I'm his daughter" pointing towards my dad with a disgusted look on my face.
"Your funny, and fit" I heard an incredibly attractive boy say near the front who looked around my age.
"Oi, Mason that's still my daughter your talking to there." My dad yelled.
"Sorry" Mason said with his hands up. I mouthed sorry to him and winked and he winked back when my dads back was turned.
"He wasn't lying though." Another one said looking me up and down.
"Okay, okay that's enough boys. Mason can I trust you to give Y/n a tour of the place without checking her out."
"Yes sure."
"lucky" I heard the same boy say.
"So Um who is that?" I asked Mason pointing at the guy.
"Oh that's Jack, Jack Grealish. I'm Mason Mount if you didn't know. Wait do you like Jack?" He asked quickly.
"No he just keeps staring at me."
"Probably because of how beautiful you are." He told me. I blushed and it felt like I had a million butterflies. He smirked at me. Then showed me around the gym and football field. "Why is he so fit?"
I must have mumbled.
"Hmmm?" He asked
"Nothing" I replied quickly.
"Oh I thought you said something." He said, luckily he didn't hear.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to come to mine later the team is having a party to celebrate winning our last match."
"Yes sure. That'll be fun."
"See you there then. I better get to training. Catch you later."

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