Part 16:

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"Look Phil, I'm sorry but I do-" before I could say anything else his lips crashed against mine. I quickly pulled away and removed his hands that were placed on my cheeks.
"Um- well this is awkward," he says chuckling slightly.
"Your a great guy Phil... it's just..." I began not really knowing what to say next.
"You like Mason, I get it. Your made for each other. I just don't understand why you asked me to walk you down to dinner if your going to do that," he said puting his hands out in front of him.
"Uhh- who told you I like mason?" I ask.
"Is that all your gonna say, your so selfish. Not everything has to be about you. A sorry would at least be nice. No one would ever want to date you anyway, your so ugly and fat, just look at you." He said pointing at my stomach anger flaring up inside him. I immediately put my arms over it before saying stuff back.
"Phil, if you would have let me finish my sentence at the start before you kissed me then you would have heard me say sorry!" I said slamming the door in his face.
I immediately started crying. I ran to the bathroom locked the door and sat against it holding the toilet roll and just crying. Why did I have to be so selfish. Why do I have to be fat. Why do I have to be so ugly, all those people were right in the comment section of Dec's Instagram. No one would ever date me. Half an hour went by and I was still there balling my eyes out, scrunched up in a ball with mascara running down my face. I must not have heard Mason come in until I heard his warm and gentle voice.
"Y/n..." he said.
"I'm fine," i said well more like croaked.
"No your not open the door and we can cuddle and watch a movie. It might be in a different language because we are in Ibiza but still," he said making me chuckle.

I slowly opened the door revealing my tear stained face.
"What happened?" He asked kindly giving me a hug.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I said putting on a fake smile.
"Tell me ," he said whispering into my ear giving me an eruption of butterflies.
"Do you think I'm selfish?" I asked.
"No not at all! Who told you that?" He said.
"It doesn't matter. Am I fat? Am I ugly? Would anyone ever date me?" I asked.
"No, no and yes the answer to all three of those. Who told you that?" He asked once again.
"Phil..." I muttered.
"I'll kill that dickhead." He muttered looking up.
"Please don't," I say timidly. He looked down at me.
"Ok, but if he says anything again tell me and I will. Let's get you cleared up." He said.
I wiped the makeup off my face. Put my hair in a messy bun and got my pjs on. Mase's jaw immediately dropped,
"I told you I would never get over how cute you are," he muttered. I giggled and got into bed with mason and pressed my body up against him cuddling him with my head in the crook of his neck. He started to draw circles on my back before stopping after a few seconds. I lifted my head up to see him staring down at me looking into my eyes but then glancing down to my lips every now and again. I did the same I could sense him leaning in so I did the same, our lips crashed against each others. A felt weird spark as our lips rhythmically moved against each other's. This was different to when Phil kissed me this was meaningful this felt right. Our tongues danced and we both pulled away both resting our foreheads against each other's for air and both grinned.
"You don't understand how long I have wanted to do that," mason said to me causing me to blush.
Soon after we both lay against the pillows cuddling and eventually falling asleep.

Hi sorry. I've got a very busy week. And I'm getting a lot of homework. So I will try to upload every Sunday because that's sort of like my free day. Thank you all so much for reading my story. We area at 4K view, which is amazing. I never thought this story would get that many reads and I am so grateful. Also, sorry it's a short one.

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