Part 11:

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The next morning I woke up  at around 8:30 to find mason still asleep with his arms around me. I reached for my phone and started scrolling through Instagram and saw Ben's most recent picture was him with my best friend from high school and kissing her.
"For fuck sake!" I said out loud.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" Mason asked beside me who had just woke up.
"Oh Mase I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I said apologetically.
"No, no its alright. What's happened?"
"Oh it's just Ben! He's with my best friend from high school and I don't want her to get hurt the way I did!" I said angrily.
"Hey, hey it's okay. Do you still have her number? We can text her the situation and if she chooses to break up with him the that's her decision." Mason said calming me down.
"Yeah I still have it. Thanks Mason."
"Of course! We are going down to the beach today. Is that okay?" Mason asked me.
"Yes of course you don't need to ask me." I said smiling.
I quickly texted Emily (my bestie) and informed her 


Hi Emily , it's me Y/n if you don't
remember. I just wanted to
Let you know about Ben. I was recently
Dating him and he cheated on
Me. Anyway I just thought I would
Let you know as I don't want
you going through the same thing.
Hope your well!

Hi thanks for letting me know
I'll keep a look out for any suspicious
Activity. 😂🥸I miss you we
should meet up Again.

Yeah definitely!

(I know it's on the wrong side but it won't let me change it sorry)

"What did she say?" Mason asked.
"Oh just that she'd keep a look out,"
"Oh that's good. Feel better now?" Mason said picking up his phone.
"Yeah thanks. Mase we have to get changed for the beach."
"Mmm...k," he said obviously not listening.
"I'm a superhero and saved the world from aliens." I said.
"Okay,"He said again.
I smirked and said, "me and Jack are dating," I said.
"What? When? Really?" He said dropping his phone and immediately listening.
"Oh so you were listening," I asked.
"So your not dating Jack?" He said just to make sure.
"Eww no." I said laughing.
"Y/N! Don't do that to me!" He said sounding hurt.
"Oh sorry Mase I didn't know you cared so much, I'm touched." I said.
He pretended to laugh and walked into the bathroom to get changed.
A couple of minutes later he opened the door wearing swimming trunks and a basketball vest/shirt thing. My mouth dropped and stared at him for a couple of seconds.
"Eyes are up here," he said pointing at his face while smirking, "not down there," I smiled sweetly and walked into the bathroom with my bikini.
"Fine if that's how he wants to play, that is how we will play," I thought.
I walked out wearing this:

(Sorry if you don't like it)

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(Sorry if you don't like it)

"Wow.." he said looking me up and down with his mouth open.
"I smirked and walked past him to grab some shorts and a tee shirt to wear over the top until we reach the beach.
When we arrived everyone else was the except Jack.
"Hey," I said.
"Hi," they all mumbled back.
"Where's Jack?" I asked suspiciously.
"Still asleep. He won't get up. He is so bad at mornings. Especially on holidays and weekends." John said.
I laughed and walked up to stand by Dec.
"So did you two get up to anything last night?" Jesse asked.
"Oh my god! None of you are gonna drop this Y/n and Mason thing are you?" I asked.
"Nope!" They all said in sinc.
Two hour passed of me and the team chilling on the sun beds.
"Finally!" I said spotting Jack heading is way towards us.
"Oh shut it!" Jack shouted. "It's only what time?"
"12:09!" Marcus shouted.
"Oh shit! Oops!" He said smiling.
"Exactly!" John said.
"Mase can you please put sun cream on my back?" I asked Mason.
"Yeah sure!" He replied.
"Aww true love!" Jack said.
"I know it's so cherishing." Dec replied to him.
"Do me a favour and piss off!" I shouted from the sun bed.
Mason started to rub my back with sun cream. Making it so hard for me to resist to not spin around and kiss him passionately. But I had to tell myself mentally not to obviously. Once he finished. I turned round to see him panting and all hot and bothered. Did i make him feel like that. Surely not. It was the heat yeah it's like 32 degrees of course it's because of the heat. Why am I even asking myself these questions.
"Um so... did I do it right?" Mason asked.
"There's no right and wrong answer mason," I said giggling.
"Yeah of course. Sorry," he said.
"No it's fine. Do you want me to do your back your burning a bit?" I asked him.
"Yeah...if you don't mind," he said his voice becoming more and more quite and some what timid.
"Mase? Are you alright?" I asked sounding worried.
"Yeah I'm good it's just hot you know."
"Oh okay," I said rubbing the cream on his back.
A few minutes later I had finished and mason turned around.
"Do you want to go in the sea?" I asked.
"Yes!" He yelled. He picked me up bridal style and varied me down to the sea.
"Mason!" Put me down!" I said screaming and laughing.
"No," he said flatly. Then he burst out laughing and dropped me in the water.
I quickly stood up and jogging on the spot while shivering.
"Is it warm?" Mase asked me laughing.
"Yeah, yeah like a bath!" I said also laughing.
"Really?" He asked not sounding convinced.
"Ohhh yes! Definitely!" I said with my teeth chattering together.
"Okay if you say so." He said diving into the water head first.
"Yeah it's not that cold." Mason said trying to convince himself while shivering.
I laughed and soon after the whole team were in the sea.
Soon after we all had to get out for lunch. I went over to Dec when Mase was drying off.
"Umm so earlier when Mase was rubbing sun cream on my back he started panting and seemed all hot and bothered. Do you know why?"
"Yeah. Horny!" He said.
"What!" I said surprised.
"Yep! All flustered and desperately wanted to have sex with you it's obvious."
"Umm okay..." I said not that convincing like.
"No, Y/n I'm telling you that is what it is."
"What you talking about?" I heard Mason say from behind us.
"The sea,"
Me and Dec said at the same time. Mason frowned and looked at us both.
"We were talking about what such a good idea it would be to play basketball in the sea. You know!" I said.
"Righhhhht," mason said
"Yeah thats right," Dec said tagging along.
"You guys are terrible liars." He said.
"Anyway, let's have lunch I'm starving," I said trying to change the subject.
Mason lifted his eyebrows before saying, "yeah same,"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait to write the next one. Hope you are all having an amazing summer holidays or if you already had them i hope you HAD an amazing summer holidays. :)

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