Chapter 5:

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The next day I woke up with an awful feeling. I had to break up with Ben.
"Ugghhh!" I said whilst pulling myself out of bed. I got changed and got ready for training.
"Hi guys!" I said cheerfully to the boys at the training camp.
"Hey y/n!" Mason said. God he's fitter than I remembered.
"Hi" said the rest of the team.
"Hi, how are you?" Mason asked whilst walking over to me.
"Alright. I'm gonna break up with Ben. He's cheating and is just generally horrible to me. Dec came over to my house and told me," I said.
"Oh I'm sorry about that. Do you want to come round mine to watch a movie?" He asked. Omg yesss I have such bad butterflies right now.
"Yeah that would be great." I said whilst smiling.
I glanced over at Dec who was creating a heart with his hands and making kissing faces.
"Piss off!" I shouted at him playfully.
"What was he doing?" Mason asked.
"Nothing, let's go and train." I said pulling his arm to the pitch. Mason passes you a ball and you show off all your best tricks your dad has taught you.
"Jeez y/n your better than me," Mason says while laughing.
"Yeah I already know that," I said flicking my hair.
We both laughed and got back to training. Mason Tackled me and scored a goal.
"MASON! You shouldn't have done that."
You quickly tackle him a score 2 more goals before going to grab a drink.
"Wow! Your really good."
"Thank you Mase."
"Okay Ben is over there. Wish me good luck."
"Don't worry about it. It'll be fine." Mason said supporting like.
"Thanks I guess."
I walked over to him so nervously Ben could tell.
"What's up Y/n?"
"Um Ben. This isn't going to work out. I'm sorry but we are over."
"You can't break up with me. HOW DARE YOU!"
"I'm sorry," I replied with my eyes filling up with tears. Out of no where a fist was formed and hit me straight in the face. I lost my balance and fell over.
"Y/N!" I could hear Mason yell. Then everything went black.
"Y/n please wake up," I could hear a familiar voice say.
"I'm okay," I managed to say.
"Y/n thank god you are okay." Dec said. "Someone was SoOoOo worried about you. He said glancing at mason who was mouthing him to shut up." I laughed and hugged Mason. He hugged me back and immediately I could hear someone whistling.
"Oh fuck off!" Mason said jokingly.
"Oh where's Ben?"
"Basically Mason Punched him and he ran off holding his nose," Harry Kane said. I looked at Mason who was smirking.
"Well done." I said to him proudly.

That night. I wore some joggers and a jacket and drove to Mason's. When I arrived the door was already open and Mase was already standing there waiting for me. His jaw immediately dropped and stared for a couple of seconds before I said something.
"You alright there Mase?"
"Yeah, yeah sorry, come in,"he said back kindly allowing me in.
"It's all good, so what do you wanna watch?"
"I don't know, how about a Harry Potter?"
"Yeah I love those films," I replied.
"Alright. I'll set it up. Can you grab the popcorn it's on the side."
"Of course. Do you need anything else?"
"Nope just a hug."
I smiled and followed him into the movie room,
"Your house is amazing!"
"Thank you! Have you told your dad about Ben."
"Nope. I'm dreading it." I said.
"I can come with you tomorrow if you want."
"Really? You would do that?" I asked hopefully.
"Yes of course."
"That would be great thanks Mason."
"Awww you sound so cute when you say my full name Mason and not Mase."
I smiled and cuddled him and we watched the rest of the film together. We both fell asleep around 11 ish.
"Shit! Mason wake up!"
"What is it Y/n? What's happened? Are you hurt?" He said sounding worried.
"No Mason we are late for training. Dad is gonna be so mad hurry,"
"Mase I have no clothes."
"Here," he said passing me a pair of his football shorts and a hoodie.
"Sorry it's not the best but it'll have to do for ow I suppose."
"It's alright! Hurry!"
We arrived at training an hour late and sprinted all the way to the pitch.
"Where have you to been?" Dec asked suspiciously whilst raising an eyebrow.
"We fell asleep last night while watching a movie. Lost track of time," Mason explained gasping for air on every word.
"Yeah what he said," I said struggling to get my breath back.
"Nothing else happened last night then?" Declan asked smirking.
"Eww DECLAN NO!" I yelled.
"The whole team knows you wanted to though," he Said whilst laughing.
"Ooooohhh where you two been?" Jack asked
"We lost track of time watching a film last night." I replied.
"Sure you did,"
"I'm telling the truth."
"Notice how she didn't deny not wanting to do it with you," Whispered to Mason. He went bright red and I pretended not to hear.
"Mason, Y/n! May I have a word?" My dad said to us both.
"Oh god!" I said under my breath.

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