Part 12:

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We all sat down and ordered our lunch. I asked for fish and chips and mason had pizza again.
"Mason if your gonna have pizza, please eat it like a normal person." I said.
"I do eat it like a normal person." Mason said defending himself.
"Err no you don't. You eat it with a knife and fork. Your supposed to eat it with your hands." I told him.
"Not this again," John said.
I sighed and started talking to Dec about Wednesday.
"So we need to make sure we all stay in the sea until like 3:00am for the fun of it. And we need to get so drunk. I mean who cares about how bad our heads will hurt in the morning." I said.
"Well actually I do," jack said.
"No you don't, anyway" Dec continued. 
Jack opened his mouth and was about to say something but was cut off by Mason, "We should go clubbing when we come out the sea at like 4:00!" Mason said excitedly. "I mean we are in Ibiza!" He said.
"Yessss!!!" I squealed.
Shortly after our food arrived and mason picked up his knife and fork before I quickly grabbed them from his hand and put them at the other end of the table.
"Y/n!" Mason said.
"This fish and chips is really nice!" I said ignoring mason. "How is your pizza mase?" I asked him.
Mason frowned and said, "delicious!"
Once we had finished our meal and payed the bill we all started to head out when I felt an arm pull me aside behind the restaurant.
"So..." Mason said.
"So?" I said.
"Are you and Dec a thing? I just wanted to ask because of what happened before we had lunch you know with the basketball and sea thing because I know you were both lying."
"Oh shit. You caught us. Sorry Mase but yeah we have been dating for a couple of weeks now. Dec always makes fun of us two to cover it up."
"Oh... are you serious?" He asked sounding upset.
"What? Of course not. No offence to Dec but i would never date him." I said comforting him.
"Oh good you almost gave me a heart attack." He said sounding relieved.
"Why were you upset Mase? I mean we are just friends right?" I said smirking.
"Uhhh.. yeah just friends. Just worried you know."
"Well don't be it's fine," I said kissing his cheek and walking off back to the others and mason following behind.
"Woah! Where you two been?" Jack asked.
"Yeah and why is Mase's face all red and flustered." Dec asked looking suspicious and excited.
I looked at Mason's face a laughed.
"Oh Mason thought me and you were dating." I said to Dec.
"What? Ew!" Dec said.
"Thanks. Your lovely!" I said sarcastically sitting on the sand making the others laugh.
Mason scratched the back of his neck and went and laid down on the sun bed.
"Wow! What did you do to make him like that?" Dec asked me sitting by me.
"I don't know." I said.
"Oh come on. You must know." Dec said make not believing me.
"I mean I kissed his cheek," I said looking up trying to remember what I did.
"Yeah that's like winning the lottery to Mase." Dec said laughing. I blushed and looked away.
"Aww Y/n blushing!" Dec yelled.
"Awww someone is in love." Jesse said.
"What's the WEVVA like Jesse?" I asked him causing more laughter.
"Sunny innit." Jesse replied looking up at the sky.
"Y/n is in love! Y/n is in love!" Some of the team started chanting.
"With who?" I asked playing dumb.
" Mason....duh!" Kyle said.
"So we are going on a yacht tomorrow?" I said desperately trying to change the subject.
"Stop trying to change the subject Y/n we all know it's true." Bukayo said.
"Bukayo your supposed to be the nice one." I yelled.
"Not anymore," he said mischievously.
I got up and walked over to mason who was lying on the sun bed.
"So your in love with me?" Mason asked me smirking.
"," I said.
He pouted and patted the other side of the sun bed for me to lie on. (It's a double sun bed by the way.) I got on and started cuddling Mase while he played with my hair. I fell asleep shortly after and the mason did not long after either.
An hour later or so I heard a loud click I woke up to find the whole team surrounding the sun bed taking photos.
"Fuck off!" Me and Mase said at the same time. I grabbed my phone and saw that the Dec had posted this on his Instagram.
(Obviously your on a sun bed not a sofa 😂)


They are just 'friends' @Y/n @masonmount Liked by: @masonmount and 213,067 others

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They are just 'friends' @Y/n @masonmount
Liked by: @masonmount and 213,067 others

Y/n: I will actually kill you! 😀
@declanrice: You love me really.

@masonmount: DECLAN!!!
@declanrice: what?

@jesselingard: awww ❤️

@johnstones: ship ❤️
@declanrice: definitely

@user273839: who is she? She is literally so ugly.

@user829899: mason deserves so much better.

@user44417290: look how fat she is.

I started scrolling through the comments and saw how people thought of me. Am I ugly? I mean I never thought I looked pretty but am I ugly? Am I fat? I could feel my eyes become wet.
"Y/n? What happened?" Mason asked me worriedly.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"Your crying. Your obviously not fine. What's the matter. I'm always here for you. You can tell me anything."
"Hay fever you know. Have it bad."
"Y/n. We are on a beach." Mason said laughing slightly.
"Sand fever. Have it's really horrible at times," I said.
"Y/n that's not a thing." Mason said hugging me.
"You can tell me anything you know that." He continued.
"Its honestly nothing, I'm fine. Want to go in the sea?"I asked smiling but also glancing at my phone causing me to start to tear up again. Mason grabbed my phone out my hand and started reading the comments.
"Y/n you know this isn't true. Right?" Mason said sitting beside me and talking to me kindly. I looked down and said, "You sure. I mean everyone thinks it so it is obviously gotta be true." I said.
"Y/n listen to me," he said tilting my head towards him looking into my eyes.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Don't let some jealous people get the best of you." He said. I blushed.
"Thanks Mase but you don't have to lie to make me feel better." I said miserably. Mason took my hand and walked over to the boys with my phone.
"Mason what are you doing?" I asked.
"Hey boys. Y/n thinks she is ugly and fat because some stupid, jealous people on the internet said she is."
"What? Y/n you are not. Your pretty and skinny. Sorry mason not trying to steal your girl here. Just telling the truth." Dec said causing mason to frown at Dec and make me giggle a bit. The others agreed with him making me feel 10 times better.
"Look," mason said passing Dec and the others my phone.
"Y/n none of that is true don't let them bring you down. Like mason said they are just jealous." Jack said.
"I can take this photo down if you want Y/n. I didn't realise how horrible people can be." Dec said acting serious for once.
"No it okay, I'm just going to try and ignore them. Thanks for everything guys you made me feel so much better. Thank you mase it means a lot." I said looking at him.
"You want to forget about all this and go in the sea?"Mase asked me.
"Yes!" I yelled. Mason chucked my phone on the sun bed and we all ran into the sea playing volleyball ball for the next three hours completely forgetting about the Instagram post.

Bit of a longer one. 1407 words.
Hi I hope you liked this one. I'm not sure about it but let me know if you like it. The next chapter should be up by Thursday Hopefully. I have so many ideas for upcoming parts.
Remember that you are beautiful and stunning no matter what anyone says about you and you might not know me but I'm always here for you.

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