Part 18:

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This contains: mentions of sexual harassment so read if you wish. Thank you!

"Y/N! Hurry up we are going to be late," mason said leaning up against the wall with his suitcase. Holy shit he looked fit. Y/n stop!
"Coming!" I said pulling my bag on my back and carrying my suitcase along with me.
When we I arrived at the stairs I lifted my suitcase up and attempted to carry it down before I heard a chuckle and someone take it from me and lift it with one hand to the bottom.
"Show off," I muttered to mason who was smiling at me he laughed, he kissed my cheek, then soon walking off to Dec. Why does he keep doing that stuff and pretending nothing happened. I stood there frozen for a couple of seconds in a blushing mess, when Lauren grabbed my arm and pulled me along towards the taxi.
"Stop fan-girling over him," she said.
"I am not!" I protested,
"I'm not!" I said once again.
"Okay, okay, I believe you." She said not sounding convincing.

When we arrived at the airport. I went and bought some chocolate for me and Mase to share and sat by him in the waiting area.
"Dec isn't sitting with us on the way back because lauren is here that means we are alone," he whispered in my ear making my spine tingle at his warm breath against my ear.
I steadied my breathing and looked the opposite direction at a mother and new Born baby. He seriously has to stop doing this to me.
"All passengers for the 7:58 flight to Gatwick airport please head to gate 3," the speaker lady said.
"That's us," I said leaping out my seat.
"Yep, I'm so tired," mason said yawning.
"Same," I said also yawing when looking at him yawn if you know what I mean.
We all headed off towards the gate when a middle aged man in front of us in the queue looked me up and down and biting his lip making me feel uncomfortable.
"Hello darling, fancy sitting next to me on the plane." He said smirking.
"Oi! Who do you think your talking to?" Mason yelled.
"This fine lady here," He said reaching out to grab my hand. I moved it behind my back and squeezed Mason's hand.
"Don't touch my girl!" He yelled once again.
"Hey what's going on?" Jesse asked from behind us.
"Well this pedo thinks it's okay to touch y/n," mason said through gritted teeth.
"Come here princess, let's have some fun eh?" He said moving closer toward me. I could feel my cheeks becoming wet and I hid behind mason before he punched him in the face making him fall to the floor.
"Hey! What's going on!" A security guard asked Mase.
"He touching my girl!" He yelled and there it was again 'my girl' I thought. A crowd had now formed causing me to cry even more. I felt Lauren come up to me hugging me and rubbing my back.
"It okay," she said softly comforting me.
"Thank you, mr Mount," the security guard said to Mase once he had finished explaining what had happened. The pedo was taken out and we all quickly boarded the plane.
"Thanks Mase," I said to him once we had sat down.
"Of course, are you okay? Do you need anything? I can't believe there are actually people like that out there."
"Shush it okay," I said to him putting my finger on his lips making him go red, now it my turn to make him feel flustered.
"I'm fine now," I said resting my head on his shoulder.

Hi I'm so sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been so stressed with school at the moment so have missed a couple of posting dates. I know this is a short one and I'm not sure about it but let me know. I also wanted to add that I did put I warning at the top, correct me if I have used it wrong I wanted to be safe and put one as some people might not want to read that kind of things. Thanks

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