Part 8:

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It is Monday and today and I'm finally going to Ibiza with Mason. I'm literally so excited I woke up at 5:00am and decided to scar Mason. I snuck Into his room whilst he was still sleeping and jumped onto his bed.
"Ahhh. God Y/n you almost gave me a heart attack."
"Hahaha, anyway we are going to IBIZA!" I said excitedly.
"Wow someone's excited."
"Well obviously," I said with a big grin on my face.
"Are you all packed?" Mason asked me.
"Yeah. Are you?" I replied
"Uhhhh... about that."
"Mason! We have to leave in an hour. I told you to pack yesterday."
"I know, I know I was busy!"
"Busy isn't the same as playing fifa Mase,"
"Your cute when your mad," Mason told me. I immediately felt my cheeks starting to heat up and I quickly looked away. I looked back to Mason smirking at me.
"Works every time." He mumbled.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Nothing," he answered quickly.
"Okay but did you want me to help you pack?"
"Yes please," he said sheepishly.
I shook my head and helped pack all his football shirts as well as fancy shirts and shorts and you know all the basic stuff for a holiday.
"We arrived at the airport 10 minutes late and were the last ones to have shown up.
"At last." I heard Phil Foden say.
"Sorry, mason forgot to pack so we had rush this morning" I said.
"Why were you two a bit too busy last night," Dec said while raising his eyebrows and half laughing.
"Dec your never gonna quit doing that are you." Mason asked.
"Nope! Or at least not until you two get together."
"Decccccccc! It's not gonna happen," I said yet that wasn't going to hide up the truth.

"I like Mason. It's not like I can say anything though because it's just going to wreck the friendship when he rejects me. And plus I can't afford to get hurt again." I told Jack when we were alone on one of those airport chairs.
"Are you kidding. Mason loves you and you love him..."
"Hang on I never said love," I said defensively.
"Let's face it we both know you love him. I mean your meant for each other. At first I was literally crazy about you but then saw that you and Mason had a thing and sort of went off no offence but anyway it's way better being friends." Jack told me.
"Yeah I agree,"
"But anyway that's not the point you need to get together like now. The whole team are betting on when your getting together and I want to win!"
"JACK!" I said but also half laughing.
"Are you actually betting on me and Mason?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah I said in two weeks. John said in about a month. Foden said never for some weird reason. Errr... oh yeah Sterling said two months like nah that's way off. And yeah I forgot the rest."
"That's ridiculous!" I said laughing.
I saw Mason from across the room glaring at me. What did I do? Did I say something?
"Errr...why is Mason glaring at me like that?" I asked Jack.
"Oh lol. He's jealous. Aww he thinks me and you like each other or something and we are actually talking about him and you getting together. That funny."
"No it's not. This isn't good,"
"Relax it's fineee," Jack told seeming unbothered.
Mason made is way over not looking happy.
"Hi Mason..." I said before he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Jack in private.
"Why are you with Jack?" He asked sounding jealous, angry and upset at the same time if that makes sense.
"Because we are friends."
"You do realise he likes you," mase told me.
"No he just told me that he got over me and prefers being friends. And did you also know that the whole team are betting on when we are getting together. It's so ridiculous and funny."
"Ohhh..." he said whilst blushing slightly.
"What did you think was happening?"
"Oh I thought you liked each other."
"And why are you so mad if that was what was happening?" I asked slyly.
"Errr I don't know,"
"Well there has to be some reason,"
"I just don't want you getting hurt again. I hate seeing my best friend get hurt." He said kindly and convincing.
I knew he didn't like me back Jack and Dec are literally trying to embarrass me.
"Can all passengers for the 9:55am flight to Ibiza please head to Gate 3 to board the plane." Said the person who does the announcements thing. (Idk what she is called).
"Well that us. We should probably board now." I said to Mason.
"Yeah the team are just over there." Mase told me.
"Okay," I said and we went over and met up with them.

Hi I know I got this chapter up a bit early but I was so bored and felt like doing another chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and it will be updated as soon as possible. Thank youuuuuu.

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