Part 9:

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I gave the lady my boarding pass and she handed it back to me telling me what row and seat number I am.
I sat in my row next to the window and waited for the remaining people to board the flight.
"It's my lucky day!" I heard a familiar voice say.
"Oh Mason it's you." I said happily. "I started worrying for a second as if some stranger had to sit by me." I said.
"Oh well that is good. I can't have some pedo sitting next to you." I laughed and realised that me and Mason had the row to ourselves and that the seat next to mason wasn't in use.
"It looks like we are by ourselves then," I said pointing to the empty seat.
"No Decs just gone to the loo he's sitting there unfortunately." Mason told me.
"Oh..." I said my face dropping slightly.
"No it's all good we have to share a hotel room." He said smirking.
I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. Why does he have to say stuff like this. He's probably in on this secret joke Dec and Jack are doing to get me to confess my feelings to him and then get completely embarrassed when I got rejected. He probably set this whole thing up but I can't help the way I feel toward this man. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like ages and I didn't want it to end  But I don't want the friendship to be ruined by this. I need to push these feelings away I can't afford to be hurt the way I was last time.
"Woah, maybe I should see if there is another row free for me to sit and leave you two be."
"Oh shut up," I said breaking the eye contact.
"So...what were you talking about or should I say staring at." Dec said trying to start a conversation.
"Dec give it a rest," Mase told him.
"Nope! Not until you two get together. I don't see why you aren't already."
Me and Mason just ignored him and started talking about how good Ibiza was going to be and that the hotel we had booked was 5 star. The plane started moving and before I knew it, it was going really fast down the run way. Without thinking I grabbed Mase's hand. I glanced down and quickly pulled it away. A few seconds later he pulled it back and held onto it before the plane flew up into the air.
"Thanks Mase,"
"Of course,"
An hour later, Dec had fallen asleep so me and Mason decided to play a practical joke on him. I got out my phone and started recording and Mason scared him to death. He immediately started screaming causing a few heads to be turned I quickly apologised and posted the video on my Instagram story. Me and Mason couldn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes whilst Dec kept telling us to shut up.
For the rest of the flight we talked about our childhood and what we wanted to be when we were younger.
We arrived at Ibiza in no time or that is how it seemed and exited the plane shortly after waiting for the rest of the team outside.
"Well that went quick." I said.
"Yeah that's only because you and Mason kept hanging up on me and wouldn't stop flirting the whole way." Dec said.
Me and Mason caught each other's eyes and laughed.
"What's so funny?" Luke asked.
"Have you not seen the video yet on my story?" I asked him.
"WHAT?!?! you posted that?" Dec yelled.
"Uhhhh... maybe?" I said guilty like.
"Let me see!" Raheem said.
I showed them the video and they all burst out laughing.
"Yeah, yeah I got a bit scared. Don't over egg it." Dec said. We all laughed at that. We started walking to grab our bags and head to the taxi to take us to our resort.
"Blimey, uhhhh... Dec the video has already got 2.3million views and I posted it and 2 hours ago."
"Seriously?" He asked sounding surprised.
"Cool!!!" Mason yelled. I laughed and carried on walking.
Me and Mason sat next to each other at the back.
"Are you two not gonna sit by anyone else this holiday other than each other?" Kyle asked.
"Err... okay I'll sit by Jack instead." I said.
Mason glared at Kyle whilst I got out and sat by Jack in the middle.
"Don't worry Mase I won't take Y/n of you. She is just a friend." Jack said in a baby voice. Mason gave him a fake smile and motioned Dec to sit by him. I noticed Mason seemed very upset most of the journey down. Maybe mason did like me. Y/n stop trying to convince yourself he likes you he obviously doesn't. This is all part of the joke they are playing but I can't help it. I reached out down the side of the car seat and grabbed Mason's hand he held mine back immediately and we stayed like that for the rest of the way.
"Are you actually fucking kidding me," Dec said.
"What?" Mason asked him.
"He pointed at our hands as if to say it was obvious.
"You are together and you can't tell me otherwise."
"What ever you say," I said.
"So it's true," john but in.
"No!" I said.
"You want it to be though." John said. I stayed silent so I wasn't technically lying.
Most of the team gasped.
"I knew it!" Jack said who was sitting beside me.
"I never said it was true." I said defensively.
"Yeah and you never denied it either." Jack replied.
"Piss off!" I said.
When we arrived at the hotel my mouth immediately dropped. I had been to lots of fancy hotels in my life seeing as my dad was Gareth Southgate but- shit I forgot about my dad I never apologised for flipping off on him when I was with Mason. I'll just ring him later it'll be fine.
"Wow!" Was all that I could say.

Hi again. I didn't think that I would write the next chapter so soon but I have so much free time seeing as my abroad holiday unfortunately got cancelled. Hopefully I'll have another one up by Friday If you want. Thank you again I didn't even realise that this has gotten over 1k views this means so much thank you.

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