Part 10:

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Me and Mason walked into our shared room with both our suitcases and soon realising something.
"There's only one bed," I said.
"Yeah... I'll sleep on the floor." Mason suggested.
"What? No. I'll sleep on the floor don't be stupid."
"Don't be silly. I will," mason insisted.
"Why don't we both sleep on the bed. We can sleep on a bed together without anything happening mason," I said.
"Are you sure, I'm not sure I will be able to resist." He replied. Making me have butterflies. I rolled my eyes and unpacked my things into the wardrobe with mason doing the same shortly after.
"We should head down stairs to meat up with the boys for tea,"Mase said.
"Hey boys." Mason said welcomely.
"Hey" they all said.
We all got seated and the waiter came over with our menus and got our drink order.
"So...are you and Y/n gonna have to sleep on the same bed." Kyle asked.
"Shut up," mason said while laughing.
"Yeah we have slept together before," I said. Everyone stared at me.
"Woah, that sounded way less wrong in my head, I meant sleep not what all your dirty minds are thinking,"I said a few seconds later. Everyone burst out laughing and I went back to wondering on what to order.
"So what are you having?" Mason asked me, who was sitting beside me.
"I dunno, I think a pizza but I am trying to be more healthy so I might go with just a salad." I replied.
"Have the pizza we are on holiday, we can both be healthy together when we get back." Mason said.
"Thanks Mase. What about you?"
"Yeah I think I might have the same as you," he responded.
We all ordered our food and talked about our plans for the rest of the week.
"The weather is supposed to be great on Wednesday so we should stay on the beach all night and go in the sea until like 3:00am." Dec said excitedly.
"Yes!!" I said enthusiastically.
"You two are such children," mason said in between us.
I shook my head just before our food arrived.
"Mase, are you eating pizza with a knife and fork?" I asked him weirdly.
"Yeah," he said. "What's wrong with that?" I looked at Dec and the rest of the team for help.
"Yeah I know Y/n he always eats it like that," Dec told me.
"You weirdo," I said jokingly.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Oh my god! will you two just bang already?" I heard Jack say who was sitting opposite me.
"Uhhh..." I said not knowing what to say. I could feel my face going red I needed to get out of there.
"I'm gonna go back to the room now if everyone is okay with that I'm just really tired." But before anyone could answer I had left the room. I quickly went back to the room and looked in the mirror of the bathroom mirror I rinsed my face before getting into my pyjamas, brushing my teeth and getting into bed. Not long after I heard the door open meaning that Mason had obviously arrived back.
"Hello," I said.
"Hi it's me," I heard Mason say, "you know just making sure you don't think I'm a murderer or something," I laughed and watched him walk into the bathroom to get changed. He walked out shortly after and looked so fit, I wanted to kiss him so bad but I got to keep my cool especially seeing as this whole thing is probably a joke seeing as what he said at the airport.
"Y/n, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"
"You were just staring into space for a while." He asked sounding worried.
"Nah, I'm just tired."
"Okay," he said whilst getting into bed. I immediately moved over to give him a hug. He hugged me back and I put my head in the crook of his neck whilst having my hand on his chest while he played with my hair. I didn't want this to end. I could smell his aftershave, which made me want him even more. What am I doing I need to just get over the fact that me and him will never happen and just keep dreaming but a part of me does wonder weather he does like me back. Y/N stop trying to convince yourself. We both quickly fell asleep together in that position.

Hi so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am actually really starting to like this story. I wasn't so keen at the beginning but now it is actually coming together. Let me know your thoughts I would love to hear them and I have so many more ideas for the upcoming chapters. Stay safe.

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