Part 19

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For the rest of the duration of the flight me and mason were telling each other jokes and constantly flirting.
"What did the shark say when it ate the clown fish?" I asked him.
"Well that tasted a bit funny," I said chuckling to myself.
"Oh my god," he said throwing his head back against the chair. "That is so bad," he said also laughing.
"Here's one," he said. "How do you make holy water?" He asked.
"I don't know, how do you make holy water?" I asked smiling at him.
"You boil the hell out of it," he said laughing.
"That was even worse than mine," I said putting my hand on my head.
"Oh yeah I forgot, since the euros are over, and we have got back from Dubai, I am playing for Chelsea in the premier league, well I was just wondering if you might want to, I mean you don't have to, but like watch the game, if you don't want to come then I get it as well, but if you did then I have a ticket for you to see on the front row," he said looking at the floor.
"Mase listen why would you think that I wouldn't want to come. I would love to," I said smiling.
"Really?" He said.
"Duh yes," I said grinning.
"Great, so we can get back to the house and then you can go and see your friend to see if she's alright, and then the game will be a few days after that," he said with a smile plastered across his face. God that smile is
so cute. I yawned and nodded my head.
"Are you tired? Rest your head on my shoulder. We have another couple of hours left, get some sleep." He said kindly. I rested my head on his shoulder and almost instantly fell asleep.
When I woke up we had about 5 minutes of the flight left.
"Perfect timing," Mase said to me. He had obviously fallen asleep to as his hair was all messy but I wasn't complaining. He looks so hot.
"Are we here?" I asked whilst yawning.
"Yeah," Mase said laughing.
As we stood up when the plane landed I saw that Phil was looking at me from the other side of the plane.
"Just ignore him," mason whispered in my ear sending a swarm of butterflies in my tummy. We exited the airplane and waited for the rest of the team.
"Y/n!" I heard someone yell from behind me. It was Phil.
"What do you want?" I said to him turning round.
"Look I wanted to apologise for what I said the other night. I regretted it as soon as I said it, I understand that you and Mase have a complicated relationship and I get that now. I sort of said it without thinking. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," he said. I could tell by his eyes he generally was sorry and I have always believed in second chances as not everyone is perfect but by what Phil said hurt me a lot. I can't hold that against him forever.
"What you said really hurt me, you can't say that to a girl, weather it be me or your future girlfriend,"
"I know. I get that now, please you seem like such a good friend. I always see your friendship you have with Jack and Dec and I wish I had something like that with you. Your funny and sweet and can't wait for you and Mason get married." He said.
"Hang on, hang on, since when were me and Mason ever going to get married." I said.
"We all know it will happen, but I am sorry," he said smiling.
"Thanks Phil, and if your looking for someone, my best friend is single and is looking for someone. Maybe I could set you up," I said.
"What does she look like?" He said.
"Since when did I say it was a girl?" I asked.
"Umm..." he said awkwardly.
"Joking," I said pulling up her Instagram.
"Woah," he said blushing.
"Someone has already got a thing for Emily," I said laughing.
"Oh shut up, are we good?" He asked.
"Yes we are good," I said hugging him friendly. Mase must have seen this as he came up to me not looking very happy.
"Alright Mase?" I asked him.
"Mhm," he said glaring at Phil.
"Look mate, I didn't mean what I said to Y/n. And we are good now. She is even going to try and set me up with her mate Emily," he said.
"Oh that sounds great, I'm glad things have all been patched up," he said sarcastically.
"Mase, it's okay," I said putting my hand on his chest.
"But Y/n it's not, this man called you ugly and said no one would date you, that does not seem fine to me. Because guess what Phil loads of people would date her, do you remember first day she arrived? Half the team were drooling over her, including you, was I included as well? maybe but that has nothing to do with this at the moment. The point is you were wrong and Y/n is beautiful and kind and funny and lots more and you just don't see that because you an arsehole and don't appreciate Y/n!" Mason said.
"Uhhh..." Phil began.
"Mase..." I said.

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