Part 17:

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"Last day huh?" I said to mason as we walked down to breakfast together.
"Yeah I guess." He replied.
"I don't wanna leave." I whined. Mase chuckled as we approached the others on the table.
"Sup Mase?" Jack yelled who was surprisingly already at the table.
"Wow your up early." I joked.
"Very funny." He said fake smiling.
"What we doing doing today?" Lauren said who was sitting beside Dec.
"I don't know chilling at the beach?" Dec suggested.
"Yes" we all said at the same time.
"We should go paddle boarding," I said excitedly.
"Yes definitely," Lauren said.

After breakfast we all made our way to the beach. I lay on the double sun bed. Did that kiss we shared last night mean anything? Was it just out of sympathy? It was amazing. It was a different kind of kiss. It felt so much more right than when I kissed Ben. I could feel passion and love. But was I just imagining what I wanted to happen, is it just me who felt the tingly spark that went through us when our lips touched.
After a couple of minutes of thinking I felt someone plop down next to me.
"You alright?" I turned to see Lauren lying beside me.
"What? Me? Yeah, why wouldn't I be." I said.
"You just seem a little quiet. Normally you would be the first one out of all of us to be in the sea." She said.
I stayed quiet unsure what to say.
"Did something happen last night?" She asked.
"Look I'm not sure weather to tell you or not but, last night basically... well... what happened... I don't really know how to put it... so..." I said still unsure where to say.
"Y/n spit it out!" She said.
"Philwasmakingfunofthewayilookedandsaidnoonewouldeverdatemethenmasecameoverandcomfortedmeandwekisssd!" I said really quickly.
"I didn't catch any of that," she said blankly.
I took a deep breath, "Phil was making fun of the way I looked and said no one would ever date me then Mase came over and comforted me and we ended up kissing," I said slowing wincing at what her reaction would be.
"Finally!" She said excitedly.
"What? It doesn't mean it means anything. He probably did it because he felt sorry for me." I said before lying back down and closing my eyes to sunbathe.
"Seriously Y/n open your eyes." She said. I opened them and looked at her.
"Not literally," she said holding her head in her hands.
"He loves you!" She yelled.
"Say it a bit louder I don't think my dad heard in England," I said sarcastically.
"I'm being serious,"
"So am I," I replied.
"I give up, come on we are at least going in the sea."
"Okay race you," I said leaping off the sun bed and charging into the sea.
"Hey that's not fair your way faster than me."Lauren said pouting.
"Exactly, that way I will always win," I said putting my hands on my hips and going on my top toes proudly. Suddenly I felt some strong arms wrap around my waist. I looked behind to see mason smiling at me. That smile! I could literally die for it. My insides melted.
"Okay I'm going to find Dec, I'm not third wheeling you two." Lauren said walking off.
"Hahaha very funny," I yelled.
For the rest of the day me and Mason had an amazing time not caring what anyone else said.
Y/n that's not how your supposed to stand on a paddle board," Mase said to me laughing.
"It works doesn't it?" I said back.
"Your supposed to stand straight on, not like it's a surf board."
"Whatever you say, I can still do-" I started before falling off.
I quickly pulled myself back up and sat on the board. With Mason paddling perfectly past me laughing.
"That's not fair how come you can do everything," I said crossing my arms like a child.
"Y/n, come on mine I'll help you," he said still laughing.
Mason then helped me and we paddled on the calm sea for several hours while laughing and pushing each other in.

"Errr Y/n I know it's short notice but me and Dec were going to go on a special date night for the last night big we got asked to a party by one of my friends who lives here. The date is non refundable and I was wondering if you and Mason could go and do it?" She said smiling sweetly.
"Yes! I mean sure why not," I said quickly.
"You sure about that I'm getting mixed messages on weather you want to go," she did laughing.
"Piss off!" I said pushing her lightly.
"It's at 7 in this big hut thing by the way. It's right outside the restraunt, you can't miss it.

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At seven I had my hair done in cute loose curls and wore a cute mini dress with a pair of Jordan's and made my way to the location where Mase was already seated.
"Nice trainers," he said jokingly.
"Shame Dec and Lauren missed this, it looks amazing." I said
"I know right."
Our food arrived and it looked amazing I was about to start.
"Yeah"  I said looking up at his gorgeous face.
"Umm well you know last night. I'm sorry I kissed you, I should have asked you first or whatever I know that you didn't want to kiss me back but I don't know it felt right, I'm not sure weather you felt it too but I felt a spark between us, I don't know weather it was just what I wanted to feel or..." he said rambling on.
"Mase, I liked it. I wanted to kiss you back. I felt that spark too, I thought I was just imagining it," I said.
"Clearly not," mason said chuckling.
"Yeah," i said also.
The rest of the night we laughed and joked. Throwing bits of bread into each others mouth and acting like kids.

"I had fun today!" I said to Mase before getting into bed.
"Same, the most fun I've had in a long time."
I laughed "we have to get up at 4am tomorrow," Mase told me.
"Don't remind me," I said yawning.
"Your so cute when you tired." He said looking into my eyes.
"Your always cute," I said back, lying on my side and falling asleep.

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