Part 22:

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Okay I'm not that stupid I knew me and Mase's 'relationship' wasn't just a friend thing but I couldn't chance saying that we were something that we might not be and what if I'm wrong it will wreck our whole friendship I can't do that.

The next day I went straight to Emily's house to comfort her about Ben.
"Hi Em!" I said cheerfully as she let me into her house.
"Hi Y/n," she replied miserably. She was obviously still upset about the situation.
"Oh come here," I said giving her a hug.
"What did I do wrong?" She asked crying.
"Nothing, you did nothing wrong, Ben was being a dick." I said causing her to laugh slightly.
"Come on let's get some hot chocolate and have a talk I said pulling her into the kitchen.
"Oh my god!" I said suddenly in the middle of a conversation about our jobs.
"What?" She said.
"I know the perfect person you could date," I said.
"Y/n I'm not dating anyone else after what happened with Ben. I don't need boys in my life." She said putting her hands on her hips.
"Pfft." I said.
"Im serious,"
"You won't be when I show you this," pulling out a photo of Phil on my phone.
"God he's fit, but also a bit of a midget," she said tilting her head slightly.
We both laughed and I began telling her how nice he is.
"Ohhh you'll love him," I said.
"I said I'll think about it," she said.
"Well I better get going, Mase will be wondering were I am." I said getting up.
"thanks Y/n this really has made me feel so much better," she said with a genuine smile.
"Of course anything for my bestie, we really should hang out more," I said.
"Yeah that would be good," she said smiling.

(I know this part of the chapter is really short but I didn't want to drag it out to much as it would be a bit boring, lol)

"Alright mase?" I asked when I arrived back.
"Yeah," he said shortly.
"You okay?" I said.
"Yep," he said again.
"Okay...what have you done today?" I said.
"Just went to training, spoke with Gaffer the usual," he said not looking at me.
"Oh okay," I said a bit upset. "Well it's your game tomorrow huh?" I said trying to get him excited.
"Yes," he said again. Maybe he was just tired I mean we did get back late last night.
"Okay see you in a bit then I'm going upstairs." I said awkwardly.
What was wrong with him. I grabbed my phone out my bag and phoned my dad. Maybe he knew what was wrong.
"Hi dad," I said.
"Hi darling, you alright?"
"Yeah. I was just wondering if Mase seemed a bit off to you. He doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me," I said.
"No I don't know, sorry." He replied.
"Oh okay, I better let you go, bye."
He'll be fine in the morning for his game I shrugged. I'm being dramatic.

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