Part 20:

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Before I could say anything else he had walked of to Dec leaving me with Phil.
"Um, I'm gonna go..." I began.
"Yeah I think you should," he said looking at Mase in the distance. I jogged up to him to see him and Dec in a conversation.
"Mase..." I said again pulling his arm to face me.
"I never knew you felt that way, and I'm not entirely sure what to say other than, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I went out with Ben, and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you told me not to. When I first saw you I- I don't know I felt something. Maybe I'm going crazy, maybe I imagined it, maybe it never happened. And maybe you don't even feel the same and I'm just rambling on for no reason. I know 'us' is complicated and I don't know weather we are just friends, or friends that are a little more, or maybe even friends that are just really close like brother and sister-"
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I would be worried if you two were brother and sitter and did the stuff you do," Jack said from behind me wit a look of disgust on his face.
"Not helping," I said.
"Sorry," he said putting his hands out in front of him.
"It's just I don't know, I've never had the connection we have with anyone else in my whole life-" I carried on.
"Sorry again, but I get this is a whole big long speech and that but I'm tired and there is a taxi outside waiting for us. So please hurry up and get this over with," Jack said again pointing outside.
"Shut up! I want to see what happens," Dec whisper shouted to him.
"I don't really know-" I began before I felt a pair of lips smash against mine for the second time. I felt the tingle travel through our lips again as our lips moved in sinc with each other's. I began to here claps and whistles from the team. We both broke away for air and rested foreheads. We both turned to look at everyone who was smiling.
"Ha! I win!" Jack shouted at the front. "Give me the money!" He said. Everyone's smile turned as they handed him the £20 notes.
"Thank you very much," he said as a large stack of money formed on the palm of his hand.
I know it's short. But I just wanted this to be in one section if you know what I mean. It's half term now so I should be able to post quite a bit this week as I have it off.

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