Part 23:

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The next morning, I ran downstairs to see Mase already up eating cereal and watching Tv.
"Hi Mase!" I said cheerily said.
"Hi," he said dryly.
"Big day! Game against Norwich,"
"I know," he said
"Are you okay?" I said sitting down next to him and putting my hand on his shoulder.
"I'm fine!" He said removing my hand of his shoulder.
"Someone's on their period," I said pouting and crossing my arms over my chest. I could have sworn I saw his lip twitch from trying not to smile.
"You know you can talk to me if something is wrong," I said.
"I said I'm fine. Why are you so clingy all of the time, I'm not your boyfriend or anything so can you just back off!" He yelled at me.
"Oh...I'm sorry," I managed to say before walking off upstairs.
Did he really think that, I thought we had a thing, I kept saying that we were just friends to everyone but I did secretly did think we could be more. But Maybe I was right all along maybe we were just close and that it was never meant to be together in that way. Just friends.

Me and mase hadn't spoken since and it was the time of the match I put my Chelsea top on questioning weather to or to not have the one with number 19 on the back. I went with it in the end and made my way to my friend Olivia's house who is dating Kai so we can go down to the game together. Mase had already left the house as he had to leave extra early for the match.
"Y/NNNNN!" She squealed as she saw me.
"Hi," I said hugging her.
"Who hurt you?" She asked immediately.
"What? no one. I'm just tired I got back from Ibiza the other night so you know." I lied.
"Okay...." She said questioning me.
"Right let's cheer on our boyfriends!" She yelled.
"Errr me and Mase aren't together," I said.
"Stilllll" she whined, "when is that going to happen?" She asked.
"Uhhhh," I said not sure what to say after what had happened earlier on in the day.

When we arrived at the stand. Me and Liv were at the front with our Chelsea tops on, with mine saying Mount and hers saying Havertz.
"Ooooh, isn't this exciting," she said.
"Yeah," I said giving a small smile. Y/n pull yourself together it was one thing he said stop being so dramatic and enjoy the game. I pulled out my phone to scroll through Instagram to get my mind of the situation when I came across a post Mason had posted four days ago of both of us together. Happy.
Why am I acting as if we have broke up, Y/n seriously your taking this to much to heart, get over it. I clicked on comments when a whole lot of hate comments starting rushing into my head.
'Ewww why is she so ugly, mason could do so much better,' one said.
'Look how fat she is 😂' said another.
'Are they dating? I doubt it no one would ever date her,' And they went on. I found myself reading through every one without realising the game had already started.
"Y/n! Look!" Liv said shaking my arm. I looked up to see Mase with the ball and running with it up towards the goal and BAM straight at the back of the net.
"YESSSS!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Mason looked at me with a look of sorry on his face. I glanced back down at my phone and the comments came flooding back into my mind. I could feel my face begin to grow wet as tears stained my cheeks.
"Y/n... what has happened?" Liv asked me.
"Oh I'm okay," I said "I just hurt my leg. Sorry, but I'm just going to the bathroom," I said excusing myself and finding my way to the nearest toilet. Since I was a friend of a player I was allowed to go back into the private toilets.
I ran straight into the bathroom and began dabbing my face clean of tears. What was wrong with me. Was I really that ugly. Is that why Mase said what he said this morning.
I returned to my seat and Liv gave me an 'are you alright?' Look. I nodded my head before sitting back down.
"Mase scored again, at a penalty," Liv informed me.
"Oh really. Too bad I missed it," I said chucking. She joined in to awkwardly.
"He was looking for you, in the crowd." she said. I didn't answer and started look down at my nails.
"Did something happen between you two?"

I know the timing doesn't add up with the euros having just finished and the the game against Norwich but I really wanted to include the game where Mase scores a Hatrick.
Thanks for reading and don't miss the next part it is about to get interesting.

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