Part 13:

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It was 11pm when we finally got out of the sea. I'm exhausted and ready for a good night sleep.
"Mase You look tired." I asked.
"Yeah I am, are you?"
"Yep exhausted. Wanna go back to the room?" I asked.
"Definitely." He replied.
"Yeah I'm gonna head back too I think." Dec said. With a mix a 'yeahs' and 'sames' shortly after.

Then next morning I woke up to Mason staring at me and playing with the ends of my hair.
"Morning," I said yawning.
"Good morning. Have a nice sleep?" He asked me.
"Yeah, you?"
"Not to bad. We are going on the yacht today." He told me.
"Yay. It's gonna be so great." I said excitedly.
"Oh and that reminds me. Dec's girlfriend Lauren is coming today. She arrived this morning, thought you could have a girl to hang with."
"Aww that's great thanks Mase." I said getting out of bed.
"Yeah, I'm going to have a shower now." he replied going into the bathroom to have a shower.He poked his head round the door saying, "you can always join me," and winking.
Sending a dozen butterflies in my stomach to awaken. I gasped before looking away blushing. I got changed into some denim shorts and a cropped top, did my hair in two Dutch plates and put a bit of lip gloss on. Don't worry I went in the shower last night and I'll have another one later I'm not gonna smell.

Mason got out the shower soon after wearing a different basketball top and Tommy Hilfiger trunks

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Mason got out the shower soon after wearing a different basketball top and Tommy Hilfiger trunks. Gasping as soon as he saw me.
"Wow... you know I'm never going to get over how cute you look."
"Thanks, not to bad yourself," I said winking.
"We better go now the boys are probably waiting for us."
"Okay," I said smiling.
We walked down the marble stair case to meet most of the other boys surprising ourselves on not being last.
"Gosh I feel like royalty, walking down these fancy steps." I said laughing. Mason leaned over to whisper something in my ear saying, "that's cos you are my princess," sending a tingly feeling down my spine at his warm breath on my ear. I blushed before looking away.
"Oh so this is what your on about," I heard a girl say to Dec who I'm assuming is Lauren.
"Yep! They are just 'friends' apparently," Dec replied doing bunny ears.
"Uhh...that cos we are," I said.
"Aww but you two look so cute together," Lauren said kindly to me.
"Anyway, I'm Y/n. Mason told me you were going to be here this morning, it'll give me a break from all these boys having a girl to talk to," I said giving her a hug.
"Omg yes. That's what I'm here for. Your gorgeous by the way. I love your outfit," she said to me.
"Thank you so much, so are you I love you top," I said back.
"Is this what a conversation between two girls is like, just complimenting each other." John said.
"Just because you don't have a girlfriend to experience it," I said to him.
"Oooh nice one Y/n!" Lauren said to me giving me a high five. The whole team laughed including mason.
"Damn that's sad you just got roasted by a girl, stonsey" Jesse said to him standing next him.
"Thanks for pointing that out," John replied.
"So who are we waiting for now?" I asked.
"Take a guess." Dec said.
"Yep!" They all said in sinc.
Half an hour later Jack showed up with his hair a mess and rubbing his eyes.
"At last!" Dec yelled.
Soon after we all started heading towards the yacht. Me and Lauren arm in arm way in front of the boys.
"So Y/n, tell me! What is with you and mason?" She asked.
"Oh we are best friends but everyone thinks we are dating and more than that but we are not." I said.
"Oh come on, we both know that not true. You love him,"
"Even if I did, which I don't, he doesn't even feel the same way, so what's the point," I said
"Are you actually joking. Of course he loves you back,"
"Wait I never said that I did love him. I said if I WERE to love him. It's a big act anyway. Dec, Jack and him are all in on it."
"Did they tell you that?" She asked.
"Well no but,"
"Exactly. If it is an act, then he is either and incredibly good actor or he generally does love you."
"I don't know Lauren..."
Before she could say anything else mason and Dec ran up to us.
"We are here, this is going to be hella fun," mason said.
"I know right." I said excitedly.
"Your like a little kid on Christmas." Dec said.
"It's cute." Mason added on winking at me.
I blushed and stared into his eyes for a couple a seconds before I felt an elbow dig into my side causing me to loose the eye contact and grab my side.
"Ow what was that for!" I yelled.
"Friends huh?" She said quietly enough so that only I could hear.
"Oh shut up," I said laughing.
We all got on the yacht.
"Oh sick it's got a basketball net." Luke said.
"I thought you guys were footballers," I said putting emphasis on the footballers part.
"Yeah but basketball is an extra sport," Marcus said.
"Yeah beans is right." Jesse said leaning on Marcus.
"Stop calling me beans." Marcus said annoyed.
Me and Lauren laughed then sitting at the front of the boat.
"So when you gonna ask him out?" Lauren asked me carrying on the conversation from earlier annoyingly.
"Lauren it's not gonna happen."
"So you know who I'm on about." I stayed silent to that and just looked out onto the sea.
"You know what they say bigger the nose, bigger the dick." She whisper yelled to me.
"What?!? Since when do they say that?" I asked quickly turning around and acting surprised.
"Oh so that got your attention. You wanna fuck him so bad." I had my mouth open the the whole time before saying.
"Pfft, your just trying to get me to confess my feelings," I said. "Which I don't have," I added on quickly.
"Sure you don't." Lauren said leaning back in her seat.
"So how long have you and Dec been together?" I asked.
"Umm... about 6 months." She said looking up and counting on her fingers.
"You had to count?" I asked laughing.
"Hey! I'm not that good at maths." While laughing too.
"So what you two talking about?" Dec asked.
"You," Lauren said looking at Dec smiling sweetly.
"Yeah, so can you go now. So we can talk more about you," I added.
"Rude," Dec said walking off.
"No!" We said at the same time.
"Babe, we are joking!" Lauren said running up to him giving him a hug.
"So..." mason said sitting next to me putting an arm around me.
"So?" I asked.
"Wanna play?" Mase asked pointing at the basketball net.
"Yea!" I said standing up.

Hi I know this isn't that good or interesting. I just need d like an in betweener one if you know what I mean. I won't be posting much as I'm starting school soon so it will be back to once a week. If that okay. Hope your enjoying it. Please read: US | Mason Mount. I definitely recommend it. Really good.

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