Part 24:

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"What? No of course not," I said looking  at the game.
"If you say so," she said squeezing my shoulders.
10 minutes later Mase had the ball and BAM straight at the back of the net. He scored a Hatrick. I wanted to feel happy for him, I wanted to run down there and hug him so bad but the comments on my phone as well as what Mase had said before made me doubt myself. I feel like no one understands me... I feel like I'm all on my own but then I think to myself and question am I being dramatic and emotional. I'm 22 for crying out loud not 5.

What if Mason didn't like me the same way and that feeling inside of me that I had had all last week in Ibiza was all a lie.

Maybe we are 'just friends'.

"Did you just see that?!?" Olivia asked me.
"Yeah he scored, he got a Hatrick," I said smiling.
"What is up?" She asked looking me in the eye and holding me by the arms.
"Nothing," I said.
"I'm fine," I said again, which was not true and everyone who would have heard that would have know I was lying. It's what girls do.

What am I doing? Mason has scored a HATRICK for goodness sake and I'm just getting myself all worked up over some stupid comments and what Mase said when he lashed out at me. So what if he didn't want to be more than friends. I still need to be there for him for a true friend. I sure have been a rubbish one of those.

I glanced at the pitch to see the Chelsea team hugging Mason and a sudden longing of me to do the same hit me. He looked up at me locking his eyes with mine. Before I looked away suddenly breaking the contact.

Just friends (masonXreader)Where stories live. Discover now