Chapter 4:

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"What's up y/n?" Mason asked sounding concerned
"What's my dad going to say? This is why he told me not to fall for anyone."
"Don't worry about it. I'm here!"
"Thanks Mase."
"Anything for you love,"
I froze and could feel my cheeks going red.
"What did you just call me?" I asked looking up at him who was also processing what he had just said as well as being red as a tomato.
"Uhh nothing,"
"Okay..." I said suspicious.
Over the next few hours we cuddled while watching movies. I pretended I had forgot about what Mason had called me but to tell the truth I hadn't stop thinking about it. Did he like me. I mean it's not like I like him. He's just a friend. Right?
The next day I woke up to find the delicious smell of breakfast. As I walked down I was greeted Mason. He looked so hot, what am I even doing? He's my best friend. Anyway I can't afford to get hurt again as well as upset my dad, which also reminded me that I have to tell him what has happened. Mason must have noticed something was up.
"Hey, what's wrong? Do you not like the breakfast?"
"No it's absolutely amazing. Did you make it?"
"Sort of."
"What do you mean sort of?"
"I phoned Uber eats and paid them to make this a deliver it to your house." At that I burst out laughing.
"So tell me what's up?" He asked.
"No it's obviously something tell me" he said looking into my eyes. Why has he got to be so attractive?
"I'm just a bit worried on what my dad will say."
"Don't be. You know I'm always here for you. And I won't let anyone hurt you like Ben did."
"Thanks Mason, you always know how to cheer me up," I said smiling whilst not breaking eye contact.
At training I stuck with Mason at all times and stayed away from Ben and my dad as much as possible. Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a room.
"Why are you avoiding me?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
"Ben leave me alone. You know what you did. How could you?"
"Y/n listen it was one kiss. It meant nothing. I was drunk. I need you. Please?"
"I love you and I can't live with out you," I heard him say whilst also tearing up.
I could feel my self leaning in. I knew this wasn't right but I wanted to do it. Our lips connected and I could feel myself falling for him once more.
Ben pulled away.
"Y/n please. I love you. Give me another chance."
"I love you too,"
We walked out hand in hand and down the steps to where some of the boys were playing basketball.
"Hi Y/n, wait what are you doing with him?" I heard Dec say.
"I decided to give him another chance." I said.
I saw mason's face drop, which made me feel upset but I shook it off and walked outside with Ben.
"Hey Y/n, I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tonight."
"Yeah that would amazing Ben, I can't wait." I said smiling.

That night I wore a sparkly dress, and waited for Ben to pick me up, when I got a text from Mason.
Mason 🤍

Y/n why are you doing
This have you forgotten
What Ben did to you?

I know but I love him
And I can't ignore that.

You deserve better Y/n. Once
A cheater always a cheater.
You cant trust him.

Mason I'm not a child. Drop it

I'm only caring for you. I just
don't want Ben to hurt you again.

Well I don't need you to.

Who does Mason think he is. I can live my life how I want to live it. With that Ben's car pulled onto my drive I opened the door and sat in there nervously.
"Hi babe. So where are we going?" I asked.
"Where do you think? The moon?" He asked sarcastically and annoyed.
"No I just wondered what restaurant." I said sounding a bit upset.
"Nando's is that good enough for you your majesty,"
"Yes that's fine I don't mind."
Okay Mason was right. Ben hasn't changed one bit always been that horrible cheater, But he just keeps drawing me in. I can't explain I know he will hurt me again but I can't just break up with him. I've messed up big time.
After dinner. Ben dropped me off and drove home shortly afterwards. I don't love him. What was I thinking.
1 hour later I received a knock on the door to find Dec standing there.
"Uh hello what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I need to show you something."
"Look at this," he showed me a picture on his phone of Ben's phone but with a text messages from a girl named Isabella. The texts were.. let me just say not appropriate.
"Why am I not surprised?" I asked sighing. " Mason was right, I never should have gone back to him."
"You know mason probably won't want me telling you this but he is crazy about you. Always talks about you. You should have seen how upset he was once he found about you and Ben getting together both the first and second time."
"Really?" I asked smiling.
"Oh yes tell me about it. 'Y/n Is So HoT, i WaNt HeR tO bE mY gIrLfRiEnD nOt BeN's, He DoEsN't EvEn LoVe HeR tHe WaY i Do. ThAt SeLfIsH sOn Of A bItCh!" Dec aid mockingly. I laughed but could also feel myself blushing. "So I take it you like him back then," he asked smugly pointing at my cheeks.
"Uhhh what no...I mean maybe...perhaps...okay yes." I said whilst trying to cover up my cheeks.
"Ha! I knew it. Mission get Y/n and Mason together."
"Oh fuck off," I said jokingly.
"Oh and Dec,"
"Thanks for telling me."
"Of course anything for my best friends future wife."
"Your so funny," I said sarcastically.

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