Part 7:

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Once me and Mason had finished packing all my clothes, which actually didn't take long because I don't wear much clothes. (Not literally). Mason drove us both back to his and he helped me unpack all my things to his guest room.
"We are going to have so much fun," I said.
"In what way?" He said smirking and moving closer to me.
"What?" He said innocently smiling. Omg that smile he is so cute. We both laughed.
"Y/n what do you want for tea,"
"Ummm what about dominoes pizza?"
"YESS. I was thinking the same thing. Okay I'll order it."
"Okie dokie,"
"Awww that was so cute the way you said that," he said ruffling my hair.
I rolled my eyes whilst smiling.
"We ate our pizza in front of the tv watching love island,"
"Me and you should go on this," Mase said out of no where.
"Yeah we should. There are some really fit boys that go on it," I said trying to make mason jealous.
"Yeah I suppose..."
"Mason I was joking."
"Ohhhh, good,"
"Why were you getting jealous?" I said smirking.
"No" he said whilst blushing.
"I think you were,"
"Hmmm okay," I said not convinced.
"ANYWAY, me and Dec were wondering if you wanted to come to Ibiza with us and the boys. Want to come?"
"Oh my gosh really? When is it?"
"Next week. Declan is also picking me up to go shopping for clothes tomorrow want to come?"
"Yes! Why would I say no to shopppppingggg!"
"Because you have barely any clothes,"
"I just don't see the need of having so much clothes if you don't even need half of it."
"But with shoes it's different."
"I love trainers don't judge me."
"Okay," mason said whilst laughing.

The next morning, I woke up and had a shower and got dressed you know the usual and made my way down stairs to where mason was eating breakfast.
"Hi Mase!" I said cheerfully.
"Hi y/n why are you so ha- wow"
"You just look so stunning,"
"I blushed and went and got an apple for breakfast.
"When's Dec coming?" I asked.
"In about 5 minutes."
"Oh okay,"

"Hello friends! Are you two together yet?" Dec asked us when he walked through the door.
"No Dec." Mason told him.
"Seriously? Why not?"
"Because we are just FRIENDS!" I said.
"Pfft as if." Dec said.
"We are," I told him.
"Okay I believe you... not,"
I rolled my eyes and got in the back of the car with mason. I played with his hoodie strings whilst mason drew circles on my hand.
"Oh my god! If you two say you aren't together I will actually scream. Look at you! Y/n your cuddling mason and playing with his hoodie strings and Mason you hugging her back while drawing shapes on her hand with your finger."Dec said while glancing at in the car mirror.
"We aren't together Dec we are just best friends. Get it into your head." Mason told him
"If you say so."
I shook my head and went back to playing with Mase's hoodie strings.
We arrived at the shop with two big shopping carts and by the end they were both full.
"Are you sure you need alllll those clothes?" I asked them both.
"Yes. Are you sure you need three more pairs of trainers?" Dec replied.
"Fair enough," I said.
We got back in the car and Deccers drove us both home at around 3:30 ish. We both unpacked our clothes... and trainers (for me) and went back down stairs to sit and chill.

I know this is a short one sorry.
Hi I just wanted to say thank you so much for the support on this story it means so much and makes my day 2x better. I will be posting 1 a week if that is okay with everyone or just whenever I have time.

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