Starting again-ish

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I'm laying down in me and Sams bed.

"Hey Sam?"
"Yes dear?"
"I don't think your kids like me."
"Mm. I mean, just yesterday, Martha asks me for a glass of Cola, but we didn't have any in so I said I'd go buy some. And I went and got some. And then I brought it home, put some in a glass with some ice cubes and a slice of lemon, because that's how my dad said you should put fizzy drinks together and Martha just glared at me and said, "I don't like that glass." It's literally just a regular glass, what's wrong with it? And then Ethan glares at me too after Martha knocked the table and the glass fell on the floor. I was the one who cleaned it up. They just glared at me until they got bored."

Sam yawns, "want me to have a word with them?"
"I don't know... they'll probably just have a go at me for it when you're at work..."

I turn on my side, away from him, "I don't understand what I did to them to make them hate me so much..."

Sam pats my arm, "it's okay Honey. Sam'll sort it."

He gets up and leaves the room.

When he gets back, he kisses my shoulder, "I would love to lay with you all day but I got to head to work. Love you."
"I love you too."

He gets up again, gets dressed and heads out.

I pull the duvet over my waist and sigh.

One of the kids walks in, "why aren't you up yet?"
"I'm just tired..."
"Lazy more like. We need breakfast you know."
"And you can't do that yourself?"
"Don't get cocky! And you can't order me around, you're not my mom! You aren't even a woman!"
"Can't you just leave me alone?"
"Not until you get up!"

I sigh, "I'm not wearing clothes under this duvet, so could you please get out?"

I turn my head back to look at her and she doesn't budge.

I turn back again, "I'm not getting dressed in front of you. Get out."
"I'm not moving!"
"Well then, I guess you aren't getting breakfast."

She huffs and leaves.

I sit up and get dressed and then go down stairs and into the kitchen where Ethan and Martha are sat whispering to each other.

I get them a bowl each of cereal and head into the bathroom to take my medication.

Someday hopefully my doctor will say I get to stop taking the damn medication.

I almost choke on it when someone starts knocking on the bathroom door.

I swallow the pills and answer, "who the hell is knocking?"
"Can you hurry up? I need the toilet!"
"This house is enormous! There are plenty of other bathrooms!"
"I want to use this one!"
"For gods sake!"

I leave the bathroom, "there! The bathroom is free!"
"Don't need it now."

She walks off.

"you are fucking kidding me..."

I go to Katie's room.

"Well at least one of you is getting ready for school." I sigh, leaning against the frame of her door.

"That's because I'm the only sensible one."
"That's very true. Do you want driving?"
"Please. Now, I'm going to get some breakfast. Do you want a slice of toast?"
"I don't really need it."
"I'll just have two for me then."
"Okay. I'll meet you at the door."

She smiles and leaves the room and then heads downstairs.

I follow shortly after and find Martha and Ethan in the living room, "do you two want a ride to school?"

They both get up.

Katie opens the front door and goes outside. I follow after, unlocking the car.

Katie gets into the passenger seat and I hold the front doors open for Ethan and Martha to get out.

I then lock the doors and get into to drivers seat and drive the kids to school.

"Right, have a nice day at school, you lot."

Katie kisses my cheek, "we will mom, don't worry."

I smile and ruffle her hair, "love you too hun."

They all get out. Martha and Ethan walk away, but Katie stays behind.

"Pick me up after?"
"Of course. Though I might run a little late because I need to go to the gym and then I have a few more orders to make."
"That's okay, I'm good with waiting."

She smiles, "bye!"
"Bye Darling."

She runs off to a small group of people, one of which she kisses.

I gasp, "well this is new news to me."

I chuckle to myself and drive back home...

I get to the gym in my military jacket. It started raining heavily on the way here.

I get in and take off my jacket.

"God, you really are a soldier boy, aren't you?"

I turn around to see the man I saw weeks ago. He hasn't been to the gym in a while, but he's here now.

"To be honest I thought you just had dog tags for the sake of dog Tags. How long did you serve in the military?"
"A while."
"Gosh, you got the boots and everything."

I roll my eyes and start working out.

"So..." the guy says, "think we could be friends?"

He kicks his legs, watching me.

I look at him, "is there something you want?"

"Um... no. Not really. I just... don't have a lot of friends."

He smiles, "anyway! Um..." he thinks for a moment, "what do friends usually do together?"

"Hang out? What's your name?"
"Oh yeah! Name! Completely forgot about that part... I'm Evan!"
"That's a fun name!"
"It's a nickname."
"Oh. Still cool though! So! After you're done, where do you want to go?"
"I have to get home and finish some orders."
"Oh. Okay..."
"No, it's totally fine!"

He gets out a pen, "can I have your number so we can chat?"


I give him my number and he writes it on his hand...

I finally get home and start working on the orders.

I almost forgot how many people like to order things.

I complete about a quarter of this months orders, before I decide to take a break. I shall continue on the rest when I'm not so tight on schedule.

Two hours before I have to pick the kids up.

What to do until then.

I complete another order, and then my phone rings.

It's an unknown number, so I expect it to be Evan.

"Damien Jean?"

That's not Evan.

I didn't tell him my full name.

And this accent isn't the same as his. It's American, but not the same.

I don't know who it is...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now