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I wake up to the sound of humming.

"Ah, you're awake!"

James gets up from his seat In front of his canvas and picks up a bottle of wine.

He pops it open and then removes the gag and holds my head up.

"I can't decide wether or not I want wine dribbling from your mouth or a cigarette between your lips."
"Fuelling my habits, I see?"
"All in the name of Art, my dear."
"I will kill you."
"You wouldn't hurt a fly."
"I killed one of the seven deadly sins whilst he was a dragon. Try me."

He chuckles, "I know, I was teasing! You won't kill me, you don't have the energy. And besides! Once I've finished the painting, I'll dispose of you."
"Yes! It's a rather grand plan, isn't it?"
"I think I'll go with the wine."

He tilts my head up and pours wine into my mouth.

He then Let's my head fall, "open your mouth, darling."

I keep my mouth closed.

"Open Your mouth."

He slaps me and I open it, "bitch."
"Perfect! It's nice to have a little anger in the painting now and then."
"If you have so many followers, how come I've never come across your account?"
"My victims never do!"

He sits back down, "now! Keep quiet. I'd rather you not have a gag on in this painting, because it looks better without. So keep quiet."...

He's taking forever on this painting.

To be fair, he only spends an hour or so each day, and it's been weeks.

He's sat at the canvas again, when some man walks in and hugs him from behind, "hello dear."
"This ones a good one."
"Thank you my dear."
"Now, how about we have a little fun, you and I?"

James gets up without saying anything and follows up the short steps.

He stops a few feet from the door, hesitant to follow his "dear" through.

"Max, I-"

Max turns around, "what?"
"I... I don't... I don't want to go in there with-"

Max slaps him and James keeps his head turned my way, looking at the floor. He's tearing up.

"You don't want me to tell the world your little secret, then do as I say, and get in that bedroom. Now."

James hesitantly walks towards max, who then grabs him by the wrist and drags James into the room with him.

I here James crying and shouting for max to stop.

Yes, James hurt me, but he's also my best friend.

I try to yell, but I haven't had a drink in that long, that my voice is hoarse, "l-let him go!"

There's suddenly a gag around my face and I realise that I can't help James.

I close my eyes tightly and try to drown out the noise. Eventually, max leaves.

I'm going to have him dea
James trudges out in a long silky dressing gown, looks at me and then starts walks down the hall.

I manage to magic away the gag, "I'm sorry he did that to you."
"What do you care?"
"It's happened to me more times than I can count. I'm sorry I couldn't help you..."

"It..." He sighs, "it's fine..."

He continues walking...

I'm tied to a chair on a boat. And I'm sea sick.

"Jimmy, I need to throw up."
"Again!? You just threw up ten minutes ago!"
"I need to ag-"

I gag and shut my mouth.

He holds the chair forwards so that my head is over the side rail and I throw up.

"Is there any room on this boat that doesn't fucking sway!? I am sick to death of having to deal with sea sickness!!!"

He then pulls me back so suddenly.

"Jimmy, I need-"

He holds me over again, "sorry."

I throw up again and he pulls me back more carefully.

The boat comes to a stop.

"Perfect! Damien? Are you ready to see the bottom of the ocean?"
"Might as well be."

He poofs the glass box out of thin air and some warm clothes and a light.

I'm untied, dressed, and put into the box.

"Is it too late to tell you I have a fear of the ocean?"
"Yes. Incredibly late."
"I 'sea'..."
"You did not just do that."
"Don't be sick a 'beach'."
"Stop it. Your pins are fucking stupid. Get in the box!"
"No need to rush me, god your so 'shell-"
"No! No more puns!"
"One more, one more!"
"What dI'd the ocean say to the other ocean?"
"Nothing. It just 'waved'."
"You're so adorably annoying."
"Thank you!"
"Now get in the box."
"What if it's too small?"
"I'm claustrophobic."
"It'll be a fine size. Don't worry."

He helps me into the box and gives me the light and a few books.

"Hey Jimmy?"
"You'll give max a few whacks, from me, yes?"
"Go lizzie Borden on him. That way, he can't tell anyone."
"Oh, I see, a few whacks. Right. That's clever."
"You'll do it, yes?"
"What, kill a man for you?"
"Look, i know you chained me up and stuck a hook through my hands, and beat me up a few times, but you are still my best friend. And that man hurt me. So do your worst to him, and tell him it's from me."

He smiles, "will do DayJay."

The box closes and he blows a kiss.

I nod and smile back at him and then the box is lifted and thrown into the sea.

As it starts to get darker, I turn the light on. This is going to be interesting...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now