Being followed

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Whilst Alexie was in bed, me and Ivan (we told each other our names) had a drink.

"I need to take him somewhere safer than here."
"Russia. They're okay with gays and things, but Russia still doesn't like them. They tolerate them, and I need to take Alexie away from here."
"You could come back to America with me. There's plenty of spare rooms in my house."
"You would do that?"
"Of course. Now, I haven't booked the tickets back yet, so how about we pack up your stuff tomorrow, and I'll book us all tickets back to L.A?"
"That would be very kind of you, thank you."
"Anytime. Now, Let's Go to bed, we've got a busy day tomorrow."...

Alexie was happy to come, as was Ivan.

They'd never been on a plane before, but Ivan spent most of the ride looking out the window. Alexie was sat next to him, also looking out the window and then I was at the end laughing at the two's amazement at the clouds below us, and then the ground as we were landing...

When we got back to mine, I knocked and Sam opened the door and greeted us all.

I had already explained the situation before we left Russia and he was happy to make them some food for when they got there...

I'm sat In a park, on a swing, and Evan sits down on the swing next to me.

I feel eventually, he will want to bring me somewhere. Again.

He's already asked twice. And twice I have lied, saying I've had something to do. And twice he has believed me so twice I've been safe.

"Hey DayJay."
"Hello Evan."

Eventually, the time will come where I'll have to give in or he's just going to keep asking.

Please don't let this time be that time.

"How come you never want to go on walks with me?"
"I... I've always stuff to do."
"And you can't just take half an hour or so out of your day to take a walk with your best friend?"

Guilt tripping. That's great.

"I'm a very busy man, Evan, I can't just 'take half an hour or so out of my day'. I have a lot of people requesting orders, and with my little holiday I took, the amount of orders I need to complete has almost tripled. Maybe when I've conquered most of them, then I'll consider having a walk with you. You can't just expect me to spend every minute of the day with you, I have a life. Yours does not revolve around me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going home."

I get up and begin walking home. I take a stop at the store to buy Ivan some cigarettes, because he asked me to before I left.

When I get in, Sam walks up to me, "Evan came and asked if you were here."
"And where is he now?"
"I don't know, I said no and he left."
"Okay. Thank you for telling me."

I kiss his cheek and find Ivan and Alexie in the kitchen.

He turns around, "hey, Damien Jean! Welcome back! Me and Alexie Are cooking lasagna!"
"That's good! I can't wait to try!"
"Yes yes! It will be good! Do you get me the cigarettes I asked for?"
"I did."

I hand him the pack, "don't smoke too often!"
"You know I only get a pack a week!"
"I know, I'm only joking around."
"Yes, I know."

He puts his thumbs up and then lights one, "Damien Jean, have you ever considered smoking?"
"Well, I've had cancer for over two centuries now, and I don't think it would do any harm, I just haven't found the motivation to do so."
"It's relaxing! Me and Sam had a whole conversation about it."
"Yeah, he did say he used to smoke. Don't know if he does now, and if he does, it's not in front of me."

Sam walks into the kitchen, "someone say my name?"

"Yeah." I reply, "Ivan said you had a conversation about how smoking is relaxing and I was on about how you said you used to smoke."
"Yeah, I don't really smoke anymore. I've had about one recently, and that was at work. This guy came in and told us all to get down on the ground and the cops came and after it was sorted, I got a cigarette from my buddy Stevie, who I think you've met and we had a smoke outside for a minute."
"It is relaxing though."
"Maybe I'll try it sometime."

I've now only got about five orders left to complete, and then I'll have finished all orders so far.

I get right to them and then when I'm done with those, I get upstairs, undress down to my boxers and collapse next to Sam on the bed.

"He wakes up, "you finally finished?"
"That's good..."

He pats my cheek and goes back to sleep.

I place my hand on his cheek and kiss his forehead, "I love you Sam..."
"Love you too Hun..."

I fall asleep...

I feel like Evan has started following me. I always get this unnerving feeling, whenever I'm out, like I'm being followed or watched and now I'm always on edge when I go out. It's been going on months now.

I'm out walking now and I keep getting that feeling.

I haven't seen him in a while though, it just feels like I'm being followed.

I see him and I panic and stop walking.

He's just stood there, frowning at me.

I get out my phone and call him to see if that's actually him.

"Hey DayJay."
"Where- where are you right now?"
"At the gym, why?"
"N-nothing, never mind it's fine."
"DayJay? Are you okay?"

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to think.


I blink. He's gone.

"Damien, whats Happening? Why aren't you talking to me?"

I look around, "I have to go."

I hang up and continue walking. I constantly look over my shoulder.

I pass the gym. I can see Evan on the treadmills, and yet I can see a reflection of Evan in the window and he's also stood behind me.

I turn around. He's stood at the other side of the square. I look back. And yet he's also in the gym.

I turn back to the other Evan and begin walking towards him. He begins walking towards me as well.

I stop, just a foot away from him.


I call him again.

"Damien, you seriously have to tell me what's going on."
"Look outside."
"What? Wait, Damien, is that you?"
"So you can see me?"
"Yeah, who are you talking to?"
"It's you. Im stood a foot away from you and yet you're also in the gym, calling me."
"What? You aren't making any sense."

He hangs up.

I can hear shouting behind me.

Im not turning away in case he disappears.

I slowly walk around, keeping my eyes upon him and he turns with me and now I have both Evans in my view.

I run my fingers through my hair again, "I need a fucking cigarette."

I started smoking a week after the feeling of being followed started. I didn't smoke all the time, just once or twice every few days when I was really stressed out.

Evan reaches me and now both are a foot a way from me.

The other Evan disappears, startling both me and the other Evan.

"Damien, you need to go home, come on."

He takes my arm.

I pull my arm away, "no! No! I will Go myself!"

He throws up his hands, "fine!"

He heads back towards the gym and I walk swiftly home.

When I get in, I root through my pockets for my cigarettes, "shit, where are they?"

I find them in my inside right pocket along with my lighter and I light a cigarette...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now