Two friends dead

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A few months later, I'm sat alone in a room. I have a bit more Lee way of where I want to go and when now.

I get up. I'll go talk to Kevin.

I have very little anchors in my life. I don't know what happened to all of my friends. It's like they slowly eased out of my life. All I have now is the kids, Sam, a couple random officers, joe, mason, Ruth, Lucy, Zilévo, surprisingly Augustus, Kevin and Leon. And my family. It's not a lot, but they are what keep me from losing my shit.

I knock on the door to the room Kevin stays in.

I get no answer.


No answer.

"Kev, are you in there?"

Again, no answer.

Evan appears next to me, "are you okay?"
"Kevin Isn't answering..."
"Okay. Make sure he's still alive, will you?"

He disappears.

I put my hand on the handle and open the door right as a chair hits the floor and I freeze.

Time seems to slow down as in freeze and pick up the chair and get Kevin down.

I hold him in my arms and I scream and I cry.

I put my forehead against his.

Evan and the others run in and they try to pull me away it I won't let go.

They eventually manage to and I kick and I shout for them to let me go as they drag me away back to my room.

I curl up in the corner, ignoring them all.

They eventually leave me alone in the dark.

I hear a gunshot in the room and I turn on the lights.


I get up and run to Leon, "no! Nonono! Leon, please!"

The rest come again to I assume, investigate.

"I... I can't do this... two of my friends... dead... in one day... I- I can't-"

I close my eyes and put my hand to my mouth to muffle any noises...

My magic can't heal them. God knows I tried.

They're dead.

Two of my best friends... are dead.

Ruth walks into my room, "I won't ask if you're okay. I already know the answer."
"I-I'm Fine."
"You witnessed two friends kill them selves. You are not fine."
"I don't want to talk about it anymore..."

She hold out a cigarette, "smoke?"

I take the cigarette, "cheers."

She lights it for me and then lights one herself.

"I lost my best friend a while ago. No one else knew what was up with him, but I knew something was wrong. I tried to tell him that everything was going to be okay and I would always be here for him...."

She looks at the floor, "he shot him self... right in front of me..."

"I...I'm sorry..."
"I got angry, you know? I think that's why I was chosen as wrath. Or, that's what I've told myself to help me sleep at night... I got angry, because I couldn't help him. My other friends all killed them selves in different ways and I couldn't help them and I got so angry and then... and then I tried to kill myself. It didn't work. And then Evan came into my life and... and I had a new friend. One I could protect. Turns out he's the biggest arsehole in this mother fucking world."
"You got that right. I'm sorry your friends all left you like that."
"It's okay. I haven't had as shitty a life as you."
"Sometimes I wish that I was braver. Less of a coward. Then, I wouldn't leave my home as a kid and Toby wouldn't kill himself and we would be living a happy life right now."
"Is that what Evan told you? That you and Toby would have a wonderful life if you stayed and he didn't die?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because it isn't true and he knows it. He is manipulating you. Yes, Toby would still be alive, but you would not have a happy relationship. You would always get into arguments and he would hurt you. You would be scared when he got home. You wouldn't even live past twenty seven because you'd kill your self. And it would work. You'd be dead. That is how that would go. Not some happy shit. Don't let Evan get into your head."

I look at the ceiling, "guess I was willing to believe anything at this point, wasn't I? I-"

A weird glitchy cloud of smoke appears in front of us.

I can see Sam.


He looks about and then at the floor, "oh, hey! And hello to you!"

Ruth waves.

I stand up, "Sam, how are you-"
"Magic! Um... so... I became an officer, and we are trying to find you as quickly as we can. And..."

He goes out of view and then comes back with a blanket in his hands.

He turns it to us and there's a baby, "this- this is Mia. I adopted her so that... so I didn't lose hope. Mia, looks! It's Your Mom!"

Mia looks at me, babbling, and reaches her hand towards me.

I put my hand out towards her and it phases right through her hand.

I start tearing up, "I love you Two so much..."

Sam smiles sadly, "we love you too. I... I won't be able to do this again. I'm sorry, I love you."
"I love you too."

He disappears and I break down crying.

Ruth hugs me, "it's... I'd say it's going to be okay... but... I don't know that. For now, you'll just have to hang in there."

I hug her back, "thank you for being my friend..."....

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