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Evan didn't let me see anyone anymore. He kept me in the same room and never let me talk to the others.

He had several people come and beat me up all the time.

And it's been god knows how long.

I'm four hundred and eighty three. It's been a little over two centuries.

Ruth always assures me that Sam and the police are still looking for me.

So I have a little hope.

She comes to me in secret, because Evan won't let me see them or speak to them.

One day I'll kill that man.

Speaking of the devil, Wvan walks into my room as I'm meditating.

He grabs me by the throat and pins me to the wall, choking me.

I grab his wrists and I manage to get my right hand around his neck.

"Let go!!"

He slams my head against the wall and I let go and he lets go of me.

"What, did you think I'd just let you kill me, just like that!?"
"Well it isn't like your going to kill me any time soon, are you?"
"Because i can't die. So you can't kill me."

He steps back and I stand up.

"I'll give you a head start. I'll count to ten. When I get to ten, I will start coming to you. And when I find you, you're a dead man, Evan."

I smile, "one. Two."

He runs off.


Evans POV:

Shit shit shit!

I run into Ruth and she stops me.

"Woah, what's wrong? Are you running from someone?"
"Damien is counting to ten and when he gets to ten he is going to come and find me and kill me."
"Well, I'd try to protect you, but what's the point? You're an ass hole."
"Wow, thanks!"
"Did you find Francis in him?"
"I found them both. They're both in there, Francis and Joseph. But they're all one person now, they are Damien and Damien is them."
"Well then, you're fucked cause they hate you too."
"I need to go, can we continue this later?"
"If you're still alive by then, yes."

I run off.

"Ruth, Dear, have you seen Evan? I seem to have started a rebellion. Care to join?"
"I would love to."
"Thank you. Shall we round up the others?"
"They'll be happy to join."
"Good Good."

Shit, i am so dead.

They're all turning against me. I can not let them get to the storage room.

I run through the halls, getting out of sight when I see Damien and Ruth looking for the others.

"Evan, Darling, where are you? I just want to kill you. I don't even have to make it painful."

It scared me how calm he sounded.

I can see them in a reflection. Damien is dressed in an all black suit, with a long coat and leather gloves and he has a cane.

Dressed up nice just to kill me.

His eyes are glowing gold. Pale gold though, like his irises but there's no white or black in the eye, it's all glow. His eyes are just glowing fiery gold orbs.

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now