He just wants to be loved

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We eventually dismissed the staff, but kept Daisy because she really needs this job to earn money for college. She can't get in with good grades, because she's never actually been to school as she was homeless most of her life and then she saw the advertisement and this is basically her home now.

She never left on her weeks off, she just hung about the house reading books.

She's also good with the kids and they like her because she's really kind.

She does all she can forthat extra few dollars.

She even helps me take packages to the post office.

"Daisy, I could always just pay the college fee in total for you, I'm not that bothered. I'll do it."
"No thank you, sir, I'll earn it!"

She smiles happily and gets on with dusting.

"Are you Sure?"

I shrug and wander off...

I'm out walking when I hear shouting.

I turn around to see a man shouting at (possibly) his child.

The kid only seems about ten.

The poor thing is crying his eyes out as his father shouts and screams at him.

He strikes him across the face and the small thing screams and curls up into a ball on the floor.

I start running over and get close enough to grab the father by the arm.

A dark purple fog rises from the floor and smoke of a much deeper purple encircles us.

The father grabs his child by the shoulders, "YOU LITTLE DEMON BOY, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!? LET US GO!!"

The child looks so terrified.

His father hits him again and again and I drag him away, "leave him alone!"
"Who the fuck are you?"

He turns to me, "Damien Callas!? What the fuck are you doing here!?"
"I came here to protect that child from you!"

He breaks away from my grasp.


The child screams.

A wave of energy blasts in our direction.

It goes straight through me but pushes the child's father out of the smoke.

When I turn around again, the child is gone. There's some sort of giant elongated human shaped demon with whisks of dark smoke orbiting around them. Their eyes are purple orbs of light.

Their nails are long and sharp like daggers and fade to a cracking black and their teeth are short sharp black fangs, dropping a purple venom that fizzes on the floor.

I put my hand up, "it's okay, he can't hurt you anymore!"


It's the child's voice, but mixed with another deeper, more demonic, crackly and hoarse voice.

"I'm not saying for a second that they don't! Why... why don't you tell me about them?"
"My... my mummy died... when she had me... and my daddy... drank a lot... my brothers always bullied me... because I have funny eyes... and he did nothing... he drank... and he drank... and he beat me... he doesn't love me... NO."

He pounds his fist against the floor.


And again.


And again.


And one final time and the floor opens up beneath me and I fall...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now