The seven deadly sins

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Evan has a knife in his hand.

He slaps the man in the chair and he wakes up, "shit!"

He looks at me, "what the fuck is Damien Jean Callas doing here?"

"I don't really know anymore." I reply.

"Everyone is looking for you! You were declared missing months ago!"
"I was?"
"Yeah! It was all over the news and still is!"

Evan slaps the man again, "shut up, you worthless shit!"

He chuckles and slaps him again.

He then turns to me, grinning, "this is your new pet! Hurt him all you like, or not at all! I really don't care! I'll be back in a few hours to take you back to your cell!"

He then punches the man and leaves.

The man looks up at me, "I'm Kevin."
"I just want to say that I have wanted to meet you my whole life."
"Just probably not like this, huh."
"Nah, I thought maybe we'd bump into each other whilst out walking or something or I saw you in a cafe. Something like that. Turns out, I get kidnapped by a man who also kidnapped Damien Jean Callas!"
"Yeah... he's... he's not right in the head."
"Nobody will be looking for me though... all my family hates me and they've proved it several times. All my friends turned against me when I told them I was Bi, so that was fun. My girlfriend broke up with me for that reason and also because she had been cheating on me. So yeah, my life was a little shit and I basically had no one."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"Nah, it's fine! This ain't as bad as some shit I've been through."

I look around the room for somewhere to sit.

I have the choice of the floor, a cushion, or a wooden stool with... something... on the top. It's red and sticky.

"Oh, don't worry! That's just from when Evan bashed my head against it! That was last week!"

I put the cushion over the blood and sit a foot or two away from Kevin.

"So, why are you here?" I ask.
"Oh, something about being a toy or something. You know, played with and thrown around and broken."
"A toy for who?"
"You, I think."
"And I'm a toy for Evan..."
"Apparently so."

He smiles sadly...

Evan throws me against the floor in my Cell.

"You are very fun to hurt, you know that?"
"Just Stop..."

He kicks me and laughs.

He keeps hitting and kicking and laughing and yelling at me.

"No! I don't want to!"

He laughs again and I can feel his hands around my throat and he's pinning me down.

"I will fucking murder you!", He chuckles.
"Y-you can't- you- you c-can't kill m-me..."

He laughs, "I highly doubt that..."
"Y-you think im joking?"
"Yes. I can kill you, and if you aren't the person I need, I will kill you!"
"Why not now? Try now and see if you can kill me. You won't be able to. I can't-"

He slams his fist against my face, "SHUT UP!!!"

I spit out blood, "no."

"Don't be disobedient!!"

He gets up and his foot comes swiftly down against my stomach and I turn over and throw up.

The pain is unbearable and I can't stop throwing up.

He does the same to my back and I land in the vomit and I'm shaking so violently and I can barely move.

I don't know how he did it, because black diamond is supposed to be incredibly durable, but he slammed his foot down into my left ankle and I screamed in pain. He had broken my ankle bone and it sent shivers up my whole leg.

He then hits his fists against my spine incredibly hard and I feel like I can't move.

"Little bitch."

He leaves the cell and I don't move. I don't think I can. If I can, I don't want to.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, "lie still for a few seconds more, child."

The room slowly lights up.

"Your spine has been bent inwards, try to bend forward and curl up, as I try to get your spine slightly more flexible."

He moves me onto my side He puts his hands on my back and a foot in front of my stomach, and my back starts feeling really warm.

He slowly bends my back, using his foot to stop him from just pushing me away and then he slowly straightens my back again.

How he did that, I've no idea.

He shuffles over to my ankle and lifts my leg slightly.

My left door sort of flops, because Evan practically obliterated my ankle.

He waves his hand over my ankle after putting my leg back down.

"I can fix it, but don't put to much pressure on it. For example, don't balance on your left foot."

I get this really weird feeling in my ankle, and it... it feels like if you put rocks in oil and they all just jiggled about. Small jagged rocks.

And then my ankle goes warm like my back did.

He helps me up, "are you okay now, child?"
"I'm not a child."
"You Look young."
"I'm physically twenty five."
"And how old are you?"
"Two hundred and something. Close to sixty, probably, I've lost track."
"You are still young then."
"How old are you?"
"Quite! Getting close to two hundred thousand now."
"Are you here for the same reason I am?"
"Yes. He thinks I bear the soul of one of his friends, and you, the other. He took me because I like to sleep around! You?"
"I don't know, I'll say what's on my mind, I'm very proud of my looks and my body and family."
"Me for lust, you for pride."
"Wait... Evan is greedy, Lucy is slow, like a sloth, Augustus is hungry and gluttonous, Ruth is angry with an everlasting Wrath, Zilévo is jealous, you're a little slut and I'm proud. One... two... three... four... five..."

I point to him, "six."

And then me, "seven. Greed, Sloth, gluttony, wrath, jealousy, lust and pride. You have to be kidding me."
"For fucks sake, that little bitch."
"He's insane!"

The lights go out...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now