Why am i not surprised?

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I get back and Damien isn't in the kitchen.


I put away the bread and the few bottles of cherry sparkling water I got for Damien, grab my towel and head to the bathroom.

"Hey Damien, I'm going to take a shower, wanna come with!?"

No answer.


No response.

"Okay, suit yourself."

I open the door and walk into the bathroom and Damien is in the bath.

He's just sat there, staring aimlessly.


I notice his arms are clawed open.

"It's not a real monster..."
"What isn't?"
"The thing..."
"What is it then?"
"It... it's all of my negative emotions... my suppressed depression and anxiety... everything I don't want people to see or worry about... it's my suppression... and it's bubbled up to the surface... and I can't get it back down again..."

I walk over and hug him, "it's okay, I'm here for you."

"I just... I don't want to be alive anymore..."
"Damien, please don't say that."
"Well it's true. I give and I give and I give and I give to everyone and yet all everyone does in return is take and take and take and hurt me and it isn't fair. All of my relationships not including this one went sour. And when I finally find happiness with someone, life decides to just fuck everything up and make me feel so much pain and it probably stresses you out so much that eventually you won't be able to take it and you'll either leave me, so that I'm not causing so much stress to you, or you'll kill yourself. I'm sorry I'm such a screw up. I'm weak and I'm naive and I'm stupid and I'm just a fragile little broken thing stuck back together over and over again and each time I'm broken, the pieces just seem to get smaller and smaller and it is getting so hard to piece myself back together after everything that has happened. I just want to be dead and the world won't let me die."

I take his hands, "you don't have to be perfect for me to love you. Okay? You don't have to be fixed. And I will try to make sure that there is at least some happiness in your life. I may not be able to fix you, but some people are just unfixable, and that's okay. The world can just wait for you. Take your time. I won't promise that everything is going to be okay, because it's not. Not everything will be okay and we will get through those things together. Just you and me against life and the world."

He leans his head on my shoulder, "I would shatter and never be able to get back together if I lost you..."
"I love you too."...

Damiens POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night completely paralysed.

There's something floating above me, looking down at me and I don't know what it is.

It puts a finger to my lips, shushing me and then puts a hand on my chest and taps Sams forehead.

Snakes of black smoke start curling around me slowly.

I don't want to be taken again, I just want to stay home.

I try talking but I can't open my mouth.

The snakes curl around my face and I'm completely enveloped in the black snakes of smoke.

Please, Eda, Lucifer and Constantine, I just want to stay home. I want to stay here, I don't want to be kidnapped again!!

The smoke clears and I'm in an empty cold room.

I start crying and curl up into a ball on the floor.

I just want to go home.

I want to go home..

Let me go home...

Please, just let me go home...

Someone shakes me violently and I wake up.

A young girl looks at me, "hello."
"I'm Gen! My dad said I could play with you while he works out what he's doing."
"I have some action figures! Wanna play power rangers? I'm being red because he's the coolest."
"Which power rangers is it?"
"Jungle fury."
"Ooh! I will be purple!"
"Okay! What are your pronouns? I want to be he/him but I'm afraid to tell my dad."
"I'm gender fluid. You can use any pronouns for me. Shall I use he/him for you?"
"Yes please, but not in front of my dad."
"Okay then."

Someone walks in, "Hey, Gen. How are we?"
"Are you Sure love?"

He nods.

"What you two playing?"
"Power rangers!"
"Ooh! I'll be the white power ranger!"
"It's the rhino ranger, dad."
"Rhino ranger! Got it!"

I clear my throat, "sir, do you know why I am here?"
"You'll have to ask the doctors that. I don't actually know. I'm Chris by the way."
"I'm sorry. So, are we playing?"...

I'm trying to sleep, but the floor is cold and hard and rough. And I cannot sleep.

The door creeks open and someone grabs me.

"LET GO!!"

They drag me through hallways, tied and gagged with binding metal, only to throw me into another room and the lights turn on.

I writhe around and they leer.

Three of them leave but the last stays.

He gets out a small doll of what looks to be me, with pale gold button eyes.

He also gets out a plastic baggie with a void black liquid in it with a purple glow and a small thin needle inside.

He summons a table out of thin air, and places mini me down carefully.

"Do you know what that is?"

He points to the mini me.

"It's a voodoo doll. Of you. We simply took your hair from the bin when you cut your hair the other day. It was getting rather long, wasn't it? And this,"

He signals to the baggie, "has something inside it that could kill you."

He retrieves the needle from inside and it's covered in the void black liquid.

"Liquid night metal, on this needle."

The needle nears the mini me and the liquid pools at the tip and drops onto the arm of mini me and my arm starts burning and I scream in agony.

He's being careful to not touch the liquid, so it can clearly kill him too.

Night Metal and light Metal Are only damaging to Night bloods, but the difference between the two is that night metal is fatal. Light metal only burns. The two do nothing to humans. So he isn't human.

A mere drop of night metal could kill a night blood in a split second.

It travels so fast in the blood that it gets to the heart in half a split second and kills the night blood in the other half. But he doesn't seem to be trying to kill me, only torture me with the pain I would feel if the night metal was actually on my skin.

This is going to be hell...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now