"There's your mole, im going home."

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When talking with the boss, Dan seemed very awkward and like he really didn't want to be there.

I actually did most of the talking.

When we get to his work space, he sits down and lets out a big held in breath of air.

"Dan, are you okay?"
"Uh... Yeah? Why?"
"You seemed very awkward or nervous when we were talking with your boss."
"No, it's fine."
"Is it? You just let out a big breath of air when we got in here."
"Don't wanna talk about it."
"Listen, Dan, I know why you were acting like that."
"You- you do?"
"Yes. When I was a teenager, I used to work in a shop stocking the shelves and my boss was very inappropriate towards me and I quit my job. It's not an unusual thing to happen to me, it happens quite a lot. I've actually had several boyfriends like that, too."
"You're Gay?"
"Oh. Well... guess I can tell you then... um... I'm..."
"Take as Long As you Need."
"Thanks. So... I like... girls... and guys..."
"You're Bi?"
"Cool. I think my daughters bi."
"You have a daughter?"
"And two sons! They aren't the only children I've had though. My very first was Toni and then there was Hope and Lucifer and then Katie. And now, Mia, Ethan and Ves. Did I have any more? Probably adopted a few more... if I remember, I'll tell you, but that's all that's on my mind."
"Never had kids. Been married three times though and had some boyfriends when I wasn't married. I always hinted at kids but... they never wanted any. And they got really shitty. Maybe I should just adopt?"

He taps the tables in a musical manner and then travels across the room in his swivel chair, opens a draw and takes out a few files.

He travels back, "these are a few suspects."
"Of the mole?"
"Yes. We have five suspects and three dead members. The first suspect is Larry the janitor because he hates everyone and always snoops about in places he shouldn't be. The second is Karen reception and I'm not actually sure why the boss put her on that list, it doesn't say. The third is one of the agents. He asks a lot of questions. The fourth is my ex boyfriend because he tries to sleep with everybody and also asks a lot of questions and the fifth is the cat that wanders about the place. The three dead agents weren't connected to the five suspects in any way."
"So yeah."
"Why the cat?"
"He's the boss' cat and he's had him since last month, when people started dying."
"How could a cat kill people?"
"Maybe he has a human working with him to do the dirty work. The cat pissed on the shoes of the three now dead agents."
"Okay. Gods... I need a drink... can I go find the bar or something?"
"Uh... we're... reviewing the suspects..."
"Yeah, yeah... I'll get a drink real quick, just wait here."
"I thought you were helping."
"I am. I will be right back. Trust me."
"Thank you."

I get up and leave the room and as I'm walking, I see a cat.

"Oh, hello, little guy! What is you're name?"

I crouch down to pet the cat and it pisses on the heel of my left high heel.

"Ew! Stop That, get away you silly cat!"

I get up and get out a tissue to dry my heel.

I eventually find a drinks vending machine and buy a water.

Someone grabs me tightly around the waist and drags me into the nearest room.

It's empty of people but it's set up like a conference room.

I manage to break free.

I turn around to see a devilishly handsome tan man with beautiful golden blonde hair.

"Oh, hello, hottie! Sorry, I'm married, I shouldn't be flirting."
"Don't worry hot legs, you'll be dead before your man can find out you called me hottie."
"Ha! You think you'll kill me, that's cute!"
"Cute!? What!? N-no! It's not cute!"
"It is cute because you think you'll defeat me! Guess what darling, I'm Damien Freaking Callas! I'm gorgeous as fuck and cannot die! And I'm Russian! I have fought a bear twice your size! It was my thirteenth birthday present! I could fight you drunk and still win, MOLE!"
"Yeah, I'm the mole, you won't live along to tell anyone."

I knock him to the floor and pin him down with my heel digging into his chest.

"You going to get up, love? You going to get up?"
"Get off!"
"As, poor mole is mad!"

I grab the collar of his shirt and hold him up to my height, "listen, little man, I could crush you. You are just a little worthless bug. And by the way, that little assistant of yours? Is disgusting. And it is much more disgusting that you can tell who you're next victim is by the fact that you can smell cat piss on them. Disgusting. Trust me, I have met men way worse than you who have tortured me for weeks. Months. Years, heck, even centuries! People try to kill me. Even I have tried to kill my self. I can't die! Sp count yourself lucky that you can because, for me, death is a far fetched dream I will never reach and I long for it more than you wish for all of the money in the world. I long for death so so much! But guess what. Just like Your Dream for all the Money in the world, my dream of dying will never come true! So give up! You can't kill me!"

I throw him and people rush in.

I teleport a bottle of vodka to my hand, pop it open and drink a mouthful, "there's your mole, I'm going home. Where's Dan?"...

I relax on the sofa, "I was barely even there for a day and I solved their problem like that."

Sam looks at me, "you left, right? And then, quicker than a snap of fingers, you were back. Only, you had a bottle of vodka in your hand."
"I did, yes."
"And it was empty."
"A cat pissed on my shoe, I this man tries to kill me, I call him a little bug, I tell him about a bear twice the size of him that I got for my thirteenth birthday and It attacked me so I wrestled it."
"Did that actually happen?"
"Know what, i actually don't know. I can't remember either. You'll have to ask my father that one."
"Gods, it's been an eventful day..."

I cuddle up against him, "I know it's only been a split second for you, but it's been hours for me and I am very tired."
"Let's get you to bed, yeah?"

I get up and we go upstairs and cuddle up bed. I very quickly fall asleep...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now