Back again

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Okay. So. I accidentally dropped my phone on an escalator and there's people all around. Crouch down to pick it up, or bend over? Still a long way to go up this thing, so I've time to make a decision.

I crouch down to pick it up. It's only two steps up.

I grab it just in time before someone stands where my phone was and almost crushes my hand.

I carefully stand back up and someone taps my shoulder.

I turn my head, "hello?"

The woman looks up at me, "excuse me ma'am, this man, my son, next to me, was looking at your ass."
"Is your phone okay?"
"It looks it. Turns on and off just fine."
"Okay, that's good."

I smile and turn around again.

"Luca, stop staring! It's rude!"

We get to the top and the woman runs over to me when I get off, "I'm sorry about Luca, you look wonderful by the way!"
"Thank you, This is actually my favourite dress."
"Well it looks wonderful."

Luca walks over, "hey there."
"I'm married."

I start walking away.

"Luca, that is not how you talk to people! It is both rude and disrespectful! If the poor lass is married, then leave her alone! She isn't available! And his knows she'd be unhappy in a relationship with you!"

I continue walking and buy the things we needed...

Once the shopping is away, I lie down on the sofa.

Yesterday was my fathers wedding and the whole thing was brilliant, other than the bit where someone objected for no reason.

Sam walks over and sits next to me, "how was shopping?"
"This Woman told off her son for staring at my arse when I crouched down to pick my phone up when I dropped it on the escalator."

I sit up and sit facing towards him.

"It's the first day of spring tomorrow."

He chuckles, "you little minx!"
I smile, "I'm your little minx."
"Are we sure it isn't spring already?"
"Who knows?"

I smile and kiss him.

"Hey again..."

I turn around to see the other me. We barely look the same. His hairs shorter, and completely black, he's shorter in general by about a foot and a half, he's less built than me and wears horsies and jeans it seems and no makeup either. And his eyes are just a plain warm yellow and not pale shiny gold like mine.

"How did you get here?"
"Um... See... the place I work for can open portals to different universes."
"And... we heard that you are an undercover detective."
"That's true, who told you?"
"Sam when he thought I was you."
"Yeah... anyway! Basically, where I work, it's a spy organisation and we keep the world safe."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Find the mole. We've had three men dead since last month and we think that one of our biggest enemies has a mole in our organisation, getting them information."
"Why should I help you?"
"If you do, you get payed ten million dollars. And... I will try to become a better person."
"Yeah. I promise. I will be not racist. Or I'll try."
"Okay. So what's going on while your gone?"
"Oh, that universe is basically paused while I'm out of it. It's not paused for everyone else, so I could be in here for... for example, three months, and It would only be three minutes in my universe. It would work the same for this universe. Three months in mine equals three minutes here. So don't worry, you wouldn't be gone long."
"And you promise to be a better person?"
"Yes. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
"A my little pony quote?"
"Don't judge me, it's a good show."
"It is rather, a good pass time too."
"Yeah. So you helping?"
"I'll get changed. Should I pack any clothes?"

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now