Dragons and death

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I can't see Evan anymore. I can't see anything.

Black smoke encircled me.

My whole body feels weird.

My bones seem to be rearranging them selves, my skin is stretching and Hardening.

There's a burning in my stomach and my teeth seem to be getting sharper.

"Everybody get back!" I hear my father shout, "get out of the way!"

I black out...


That's the only thought in my head when I wake.

Kill who?



Why? Are you stupid? He needs to die. He hurt you.


I open my eyes.

I'm... im literally on clouds.

It's a vast land of clouds with mountains of more clouds.

I look down and notice that my feet seem to be... I don't know, reptilian?

Why can't I see my arms?

Two large black feathery dragon wings stick there talons into the clouds, as if they were my fron legs.

Okay. So.

I don't have arms. My wings are my arms? And my wings are weird. There's feathers on the outside.

Am i a Dragon?

I hear something and my first instinct is to burst the cloud that I heard the noise from.

A small white-ish blue dragon jumps up at me.

I bat it with one of my wings.

"Why are you so big!?" It says in some sort of dragon language.

I recognise its voice!

Can I talk?

"Hello Evan."

"I must say, you look quite grand! You always did say that black and gold were your colours!"

He tilts his head, "oh, um... you... you got something tangled up there... with your neck..."

My second head unfurls itself from around my neck and lashes at Evan.

"Oh shit. Why the fuck have you got two heads!?"

I lower my self down to his height.

He's barely bigger than my head.

Also, I've noticed my necks are quite long.

I feel a sharp pain at the base of my main neck.

I'm now the second head and I watch as the first writhes about, and then dies.

I look at the bloody gaping hole at the base of the neck.

Two things start sprouting from it and they grow into two more heads.

I look at Evan and Grin, "you might want to run."

He turns and darts away.

I run after, hearing thunder rumbling beneath us.

I dart at him and my other heads do too, all snapping at the small white dragon running away.

I feel a bit like a T-Rex because I don't have actual arms to be able to grab him. And I need to keep my body low to stop me from falling backwards.

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now