Meeting The friends

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Damiens POV:

"Shit... my neck..." I groan and lift my head to see five colourful splotches stood at the other side of what I think is a room.

"Evan, your pet is awake." A Russian accent says. Her accent isn't as thick as any other Russian I've met, or my own accent, but it is Russian and female.

"Good!" Evan states, "I'm glad he's awake!"

I can't focus properly, my vision is fucked right now.

"Evan, give him time... his eyes need to adjust to the surroundings..."
"He'll be fine! I know you go slow yourself, but why do you have to try and slow everything else down?"

"Evan, Lucy is right. Let his eyes adjust." The Russian woman says.

"Ruth! I will do things my way!" Evan yells, "he is my friend! Mine!"

"How come They always get to be your friend?" Someone else asks, "why can't this one be my friend?"
"Because he's my friend! I found him!"
"They're always your friends! It's not fair!"
"You're Just jealous!"
"Yes! I am! Because they're always your friends and never mine!"

"Quiet!" Ruth exclaims, "quiet, both of you! You are both acting like petty children fighting over a toy! Leave the man be until his eyes adjust! Go, all of you, whilst I try to help his eyes adjust! Zilévo, don't be jealous. It is fine."

I hear several footsteps.

"Augustus, I said go."
"Yes ma'am!"

I then hear shuffling.

Ruth walks towards me and crouches.

I feel her hands on the sides of my face and eventually, my vision clears.

"Welcome, Damien Jean, I am Ruth."
"Hello... you're... you're Russian, like me."
"Yes, but I have been in America much longer and I let my accent veer to less Russian. So you have a more apparent accent that I do. I was a Night Blood."
"You were?"
"Yes... before I was cursed with an everlasting anger and when we all came together, me, Evan, Lucy, Augustus, Zilévo, and our two others, I was the only Night Blood. The others were humans."

She clicks her fingers and skeleton wings form out of her back and two jagged trunks grow out of her head.

"Who did this to you?"
"Who do you think? That little greedy, conniving wretch. He took my wings and he took my horns and my magic. Now I can only set things alight with my burning rage."
"Why would he do that?"
"He wants control. He has control over us all, he has turned Augustus into a cannibal. You are the undercover detective, yes? You know they found the bodies mutilated?"
"Oh god..."
"Yes. That was Augustus. Eventually he succumbed to the everlasting hunger within him. And he began to love the taste of flesh and blood and that is where all of the bodies went."

I don't know how to react.

"He took advantage of Zilévo's jealousy of everyone and everything, and never let her have friends. He killed Lucy and then he brought her Back from the dead. He took her energy and she has almost none."
"What about the other two? The ones he's looking for?"
"Francis was a very... flirty character, he liked to have... sex... and... he liked Evan. Evan was aware of this fact and Francis knew he was aware. Yes, they got together, but Evan would never satisfy Francis. He never had sex with him. And Joseph... he admired himself, he thought very highly of himself. And Evan only fuelled that and Joseph got cocky. Until Evan started being really condescending and eventually it got to him. Joseph was the first of the two to disappear. We woke up and he was gone. He left a note, saying he was better than Evan. Much so. When Francis left, Lucy was upset because she and him were good friends. Francis left without leaving anything or any trace that he had ever been here."

Ruth sighs, "Evan wants them back because without them, he cannot have power. And that is why he has killed so many people to find them. He does not care if you die. He will find his 'friends'. And he may just kill you if neither of their souls are in you."
"I can't die. He can torture me all he wants, but I won't die. I will just be in constant pain, wishing I could die, so I could end it all. I've wanted to kill my self since I was probably... seventeen years old, just about? I'm two hundred and sixty years old. That's a long time to be wanting to be dead."
"Why can't you die?"
"Oh, the ducking king of purgatory says that me being alive is important for everything that has to happen, happening. Now, I'm afraid of drowning. And at one point, after an ex of mine admitted that he was using me, I threw myself of a bridge and into a really fast and rough river and there was bits of broken glass and metal and jagged bits of bikes and then I was in a lake and I could see the stars and that was the first time in a long time I felt at peace and then I drowned and Constantine made sure that I couldn't die at all, not even by drowning. Because drowning was the only exception and now I can't die. At all."
"I'm sorry."
"Not your fault! You can blame Constantine for that!"

She looks at the floor, "I should probably go tell Evan you can see..."
"Go Tell That bitch He can suck my dick! If I had the chance I would kill him!"

She stands, "I like your spirit. You aren't ashamed to speak your mind, that's good. Say what you will to Evan and maybe you'll get it into that thick skull of his that he will never be powerful."
"I promise I will help you get your wings back."

She smiles sadly, "thank you, Damien Jean, I will hold you to that."

She leaves the room. My blazer is a few feet to the left of me.

I'm all chained up. There's chains on my neck, my legs, my waist, and I'm also handcuffed.

But, my hands are in front of me.

But, I'm naked.

At least I'm slightly bent over, so you can't.. really... see...

I reach over and get my blazer and put it over my lap and root through the pockets and find my cigarette and lighter and I light one as the rest walk back in.

I look up, "hello."...

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