Mine now! :)

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Ves is now a small little boy again, and we're back in the swirl of deep purple smoke and fog.

"They... they could see my memories... they were projecting outside of this area... they all know what daddy and my brothers did..."
"They we're your brothers? They're supposed to protect you."
"Apparently not..."

I walk over to him and put my hands on his cheeks.

I brush his hair out of his eyes and he closes them.

"It's okay."
"You- you promise you won't be afraid of me?"
"I promise."

He opens his eyes and looks at the floor.

The smoke and fog clears

Ves looks up at me.

"Your eyes are so pretty, they're like purple tourmaline." I smile.

"What's that?"
"It's a really pretty gemstone that can be heat treated to make it more pretty and brilliant."

"YOU LITTLE DEMON!!" Someone shouts.

I stand and turn in one movement and glare at Ves' father, "you're calling him a little demon? The things you did are far worse that anything he has! That goes for your other three sons too! The poor thing just wants a family that loves him and you can't even do that!"

He fights off officers, "he should be locked up, not me!"
"He has done nothing, as far as I'm concerned, only proved how much of a horrible father you were! Everyone knows now what you and your sons did! You don't deserve to be a father!"
"Oh, shut up, you bloody cross dresser!"
"This conversation isn't about me, you wretched creature, it is about what you have done!"

The officers finally get a hold of him, "you're coming with us, sir."

He manages to grab one of the officers guns and he shoots me straight through the heart.

"Yes, good luck with that. Shoot me all you want, I will not die. You won't live to see me die either."
"Go back to hell, Demon!"
"Oh darling, please. I'm much worse than a demon, I'm one of the most feared species on the planet."
"Oh really? What are you then?"
"Well, you know who I am, so you should know what I am."
"A half breed night blood..."
"Exactly. So, you know what I can do. And you know what I will not hesitate to do if you hurt this child again. I'm sure none of these people would object to me tearing out your throat."

He glares at me, "I will end you, if it's the last thing I do!"
"Ha! In your dreams, Darling, in your far fetched dreams!"
"Go to hell!"
"I'd love to, I've got a friend down there. I just need to find the time. Ciao!"

I turn back to Ves and crouch down, "now! Who wants ice cream?"
"Daddy said I can't have sweet things..."

"I don't think he qualifies as your daddy no more, son."

I turn around and a man in a suit smiles, "Mr Fray, at your service! Now, what do you say we find you a new family? Have you any living relatives?"
"My uncle died in a car crash."
"No grandparents?"
"Huh. I'm sure there's tons of family's willing to adopt a sweet little demon like you!"
"Sweet Little demon?"
"Yeah! Cause you're sweet and adorable, you're little, and you can turn into a giant demon! Sweet little demon. Now, let's get you two to my office, we're gonna need someone to keep an eye on the little guy for now."...

"Mr Fray, could-"

He cuts me off, "next is the Samson family! I am sure they will love you, Ves, don't worry!"

I've been trying to ask if I could adopt him several times but I keep getting interrupted or ignored.

There's a knock at the door.

Ves rearranges himself on my lap.

A man and a women walk in and sit down.

"So, where is this sweet little thing you told us about?"

Ves sits up and pokes his head over the top of the table.

He's so little for his age.

"Hello. Im Vesa."
"Oh, um... his eyes are so... unique..."
"They're like purple tourmaline!"

It's so cute that he's quoting me!

"Um... Mr Fray... Can we talk to you outside?"

They get up and Mr Fray Leads them outside.

Ves leans back against my stomach, "they don't want me... I can tell..."

I ruffle his hair, "it's going to be okay..."

Mr Fray walks back in, "I'm afraid they said no. That was the last family. It seems no body wants the poor thing..."

I clear my throat, "I am right here."
"Well why didn't you say something?"
"I tried to. You kept interrupting me and ignoring me."
"Oh. Sorry. So... you want to adopt Ves, here?"
"Okay. Have you got a partner?"
"Yes, his name is Sam."
"Okay. Get him here, and I will get Ves' birth father to sign his part of the papers."...

"Well!" Sam says, with Ves on his lap, "this was unexpected, but it's nice to have more kids running around the place. But, I need to get back to work, I told my boss I wouldn't be that long."

He picks up Ves and sets him on my lap, "see you when I get home, little bud!"

Ves smiles and waves, "bye daddy!"
"Bye, little man!"

He smiles and leaves.

Ves tilts his head back and looks at me, "do you have any comic books?"
"Not That I know of, but I know where a comic book store is?"
"Can we go please?"

Mia walks downstairs with Ethan in her arms, "mom, guess what!"
"I taught Ethan how to swear!"
"Yeah! Look!"

Ethan babbles and sticks up his middle finger.

"Ain't it awesome?"
"Very mature, Mia."

I chuckle.

"Hey, there little guy! I like your eyes!"
"I'm Ves."
"I'm Mia. And this is Ethan. I'm almost seventeen and Ethan is a whole year old!"
"I'm ten."
"Cool! You guys going anywhere?"

"Me and Ves," I begin, "are going to the comic book store. Would you two like to come?"
"Nah, I wanna teach Ethan how to say swear words!"
"Darling, if he's goes to school when he's old enough, and starts swearing like a sailor and gets told off, I am going to blame you."
"Yeah... you're probably right. I could teach him them, and tell him that he shouldn't do it at school! You're a Genius!"

She wanders off.

"Oh my gods..."
"What happened?"
"Let's just go to the comic book store, okay?"

He wanted to sit on my shoulders.

"This Place is huge!"
"I know, right? This place is amazing! Thing is, I've never actually been inside. I've only ever looked through the window and now I'm actually inside!"

We both breath in that sweet, dusty, comic book smell!

"Well, Vesa, what do you say we take a look around?"...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now