Something is wrong with Sam

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Some of the comments where just really weak.

"This one says, 'go back to your own country, cabbage eater.' How creative. I've never eaten cabbage, what does it taste like?"
"A bit bland, really. That phrase, cabbage eater, it's actually a slur against Germans and Russians."
"Oh. Well, if cabbage is really bland, I'm sure no one would eat it willingly."

I get home and lie down on the sofa.

My phone rings and I answer it.

Sam is face timing me, "hey love!"
"Hi! How is it going?"
"It's great so far! Can't wait to come home though. I have gotten the occasional odd look though, for being a black guy."
"Well let's hope it doesn't escalate to worse than that."
"Let's hope, ye-"

A knock at the door on his side startled him, "Jesus fuck, that scared me!"

He gets up and answers, "hello?"
"Hey Sam, how are you?"
"Do I know you?"
"I work with you, remember? I got you coffee this morning."
"How'd you work out where I'm staying?"
"I'm down the hall."
"I'm sorry, what's your name?"
"Okay, and what do you want?"
"To talk. Get to know you. Maybe take you out to dinner sometime."
"I'm married."
"Are you?"
"Yeah, I'm literally on call to my husband. Well- I'm face timing him."

"Yes, hello, I'm here."

"Oh. Shame." Taylor states.
"Look, you seem nice, maybe let's be friends or something. Okay?"

Sam suddenly grunts and his phone falls down to the floor.

(I assume) Taylor picks it up and hangs up.

I sit up, "FUCK!!"

Jake runs in, "what happened?"
"I don't fucking now! Is Elliot still here?"
"Making me a Jam samwich."
"Okay, well can you ask him to stay for a little longer please?"

He runs back into the kitchen.

I try to teleport myself to the hotel that Sam is staying at but it doesn't work. I can't do it.

"For fucks sake!!"

I call my father.

"Hello Da-"
"I need to get to Texas."
"For some reason, I can't teleport there, it isn't working."
"You're going to have to get a flight."
"What!? Why!?"
"Don't know why, for some reason, half breeds can't teleport to Texas."
"For fucks sake!! I have to go."
"Okay, um... see ya?"

I hang up and find the earliest plane ticket to Houston, Texas.

It leaves in an hour.

I go to the kitchen, "Elliot, I need to go check on your father, so I need to go to Texas. Can you babysit Jake please?"
"Thank you."

I hug them both and go to the airport.

I literally have nothing with me but my ticket and phone and wallet.

It's my turn to go through the metal detector.

I Take of my jewellery and put it in the box along with my phone and wallet.

I then step through and the thing doesn't beep, so I get to take back my few belongings and board the plane.

I soon nod off to sleep in my seat...

I walk up to the receptionist of the hotel.

"Hello, how May I help you?"
"Hi, Is a Sam Callas staying here?"
"Yes. Why, do you know him?"
"He's my husband? Is he currently here?"
"Yeah, he came in about five hours ago. He was in the sitting room just reading for about an hour and then went upstairs to his room."
"Okay, can I go up and see him?"
"Of course, room twelve."
"Thanks! Also, could you maybe get the police on the line, because I was on face time with Sam earlier today and then someone was talking to him and his phone fell and the guy picked it up and hung up."
"Of course."
"Thank you!"

I give her twenty dollars, "buy yourself something nice!"

She smiles, "thank you, have a wonderful day!"
"You too!"

I head up to room twelve and knock on the door.

Someone answers, but it isn't Sam. It looks like the man called Taylor.

"Are you Damien Callas?"
"Yes. Where is my husband?"
"I don't know who your husband is."
"He's around eight foot, rather built, pretty dark eyes, sounds like a New Yorker but that's just his accent and he's actually Russian. He's also really attractive and black and his name is Sam?"
"Ringing any bells?"
"Hmm... someone does come to mind, but I don't think I've seen him around lately."
"Move out of the way, this is his room."
"Is it?"
"Yes. Now move."

He smirks, "what do I get if I do?"
"Not a punch in the Face?"

I push him out of the way and before I can start searching, he grabs me.

I back kick his shin and he cries out, let's go and falls over.

I hold him down by putting my heel on his chest.

"I will ask you again. Where is my husband?"
"Locked himself in the bathroom after I fucking wrecked him."

I press my heel into his chest harder.

He grabs my ankle and I kick him in the side.

He just gives up and grabs his side.

An officer knocks on the already open door, "hello. Me and a few others where called about a possible attack."

"Keep an eyes on him, please, he says my husbands in the bathroom."

I find the bathroom and knock on the door, "Sam, Darling, are you in there?"
"Yes, dear, are you alright?"
"I-I don't know anymore..."
"Can you unlock the door for me?"
"I don't want him to hurt me again..."
"He won't, I promise. And if he does, you tell me and I will hurt him too, okay? Please unlock the door."
"Darling, please. He's not going to hurt you again."

I try the handle, "darling, please just unlock the door!"
"Stop shouting!"
"I'm sorry. Love, just please just unlock the door, don't make me force this door open."

I hear him crying and I use my magic to unlock the door and I go over to him.

I crouch down in front of him, "darling, are you alright?"

He puts his head between his knees and cries.

I hug him gently and he collapses against me and sobs heavily.

The officer walks into the bathroom, "he's been taken away, there's nothing to worry about now."
"Okay, May you give us a moment?"
"Of course."

He leaves.

Sam takes a deep breath, "I don't want them to make me go to court, I- I can't do that, I'd start panicking and make a fool of myself and I don't want to do that..."
"It's okay, my darling, it's okay."

He presses up against me....

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now