Im all scuffed up and drunk

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I'm at the gym and Evan walks up to me, "hey, where've you been? I ain't seen you in ages."
"Oh, I... I got caught up in things...Orders."
"And what about Saturday? We usually go out drinking on a Saturday."
"Anniversary. I spent the night with Sam."
"I don't think he likes me."
"No? Why's that?"
"He always frowns at me or glares at me."
"I'll... I'll have a talk with him."
"Okay. Let's Go drinking tonight though, yeah?"
"Um... I'll see if I'm busy and then I'll tell you if I am. Okay?"

His phone dings and he checks it.

I can see the name Ruth on his screen.

"I have to go, but I'll catch you later, yeah?"
"Who's Ruth?"
"One of my other friends. I'm going now."
"See ya!"

He leaves and I get back to what I was doing...

I'm looking through my schedule for today.

Gym at half seven to half nine.

complete orders from quarter to ten To twelve.

At five past, make brownie batter, which usually takes me around ten minutes and then they'll be baked for twenty to one and then five minutes to wrap up, then fifteen minutes to wash up.

At five past one, take the brownies to Sams work place. It takes me around fifteen minutes to do that.

And then I go home and then go to the jewellers to bring in the jewellery they need restocking that I make, and then I finish that by half two and then I complete more orders when I get home.

at ten to three I head to the school and pick up the kids and then I make their food.

Then at four, I sit in the cozy room and read and then at six I take a shower.

At seven I remind Katie to take her hormones and then at eight, me and the kids watch a film and then at half ten the kids go to bed.

And then I have nothing else planned.

God, I hate my doctor. He's the one who thought that having a schedule would be good for me. He already took me off of all the medication I had, except the medication for ADHD which he is convinced I have. I don't think I do, but he's the doctor, and it's his fault if He kills me.

I text Evan to let him know that I have nothing planned past half ten tonight.

I then I go and do the stupid schedule...

By the end of it I'm exhausted.

I call Sam to let him know I'll be at the pub with Evan.

And then I head out to the pub and I'm too tired to do anything but drink.

I got so drunk, I didn't even notice when Evan sat down beside me.

"Hey DayJay."
"You good?"
"Did you talk to Sam about why he doesn't like me yet?"
"He gets home at about half eleven. I set off before that."
"Coulda called him."
"He had work."

I call my doctor

"Hello Mr Callas."
"Hey, so... the schedule thing... it's all a bit... tight! And... and I gotta... just... breathe cause it's sorta stressin' me out a bit, so I think... Imma just ignore the schedule... and do things my own way and when I want, okay? I know when my jobs are, I know when to pick the kids up, I know when to go to the gym and all that shit, I've got it figured out! Okay?"
"Uh... okay?"
"So I can do it my way?"
"I... I guess, we don't want your stress levels to get worse again, so we?"
"No, exactly. Thank you for understanding things from my eyes."
"Anytime. Are you drunk?"
"A... little bit."
"Do you have work in the morning?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine! I've gotten drunk on Nights before work before, it's always turned out fine."
"Okay, don't hurt yourself."
"I won't."
"Right, I have to go now, I'll see you later."
"Okay, bye."

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now