Throwing insults

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Someone clears there throat behind us when we're looking at Iron Man comics and I turn around, "hello? Oh. It's you."

It's Luke. Or kes. I really don't care.

"'s a good thing we bumped into each other actually, because... you seem to be ignoring my calls and texts..."
"Oh gods, I wonder why."
"Listen... I'm sorry."
"For what? Breaking my heart, when you knew that all I wanted was to be happy? All I wanted for you was to get me out of that place and I learn that you were cheating on me, since before the twins were born! The twins must have been twenty years old at that time, at least! The sad fact is, I don't even know if that was the only time!"

Vesa wants to get down so I carry him instead.

"So tell me, Kes," i spit in anger, "was that the only time you cheated on me?"
"I want the truth."

He breathes in and then exhales slowly, "no."
"No? Is that all you have to say? No? No, that wasn't the only time?"
"No... that wasn't the only time."
"How many times then?"
"I... um... would occasionally hook up with men... usually on the nights that I told you I had extra work to do. Or... if you were out... I'd bring people over. Take them to... our room. And then when you were missing for seven years, I had a thing going then, and when I was in Spain... and when you were... ahem! Um... dead...."

I slap him.

He just looks shocked.

"That was justified, you adulterous, pompous, slutty piece of shit! I know im a slut, but you, you little bitch, are on another level!"

He kisses me and then grabs my wrist to stop me from slapping him again.

Ves slaps him for me, "Mm.... You're an idiot."

I pull my hand away and slap Luke again, "don't come near me, or my family, ever again, you-"
"You just going to insult me again?"
"Darling, I could insult you for a lifetime and is never get bored. God knows I'm going to put love you, and when you're gone, I will revel in the fact that you died before I did because I can't die. Trust me when I say this darling, if I was a much more violent person, I would kill you right here right now. But there a children present, and I am not that violent a person. So. I suggest you leave before I slap you again, you twat!"

Sam appears, "hi... uh... love... I found something when I got home... they let me off early by the way, so I wanted to wait home to surprise you, anyway!"

He poofs something and before the smoke clears, he sticks his arms out next to him as if he's presenting something.

It's... another me!?

"Okay, this is weird." Luke states, pointing out the obvious.

"Wow, well done genius, I'm sure no one else thought that. Though, they did the smart thing and kept their mouths shut."

"Ooh! Is this that guy you were on about?" Sam asks.
"Yes, dear, this is Luke."
"Ah! Um..."

He slaps Luke, "that's for...! Aha! Being a bitch! Anyway!"

He presents the other me again, "this was at home!"
"Does... do they speak?"

"Yes I speak." Other me says.

They've got an American accent...

"Where are you from?" I ask.
"America as far as I'm aware, and not from this universe, I don't think."

"Wait, Damien," Luke says, "that guy you called dear is a New Yorker."
"So? And he's actually Russian, he just lived in New York for a while and picked up the accent. Now shut up!"

I turn back to me, "what is your gender?"

I look him up and down, "your a bit smaller than me... do you work out? Genuine question."
"A bit. I can see from your tight dress that you work out quite a bit."
"I do, yes. Quite often."
"Who's the dark guy and who's the... ugh... albino?"
"Okay, for starters, that is racist!"
"I'm not racist! I... love... people... of all.. types..."

Sam clears his throat, "so... what are we supposed to-"
"Shut it, terro-"

I slap him, "you will not finish that sentence. If you do I will slap you much harder."
"Yeah, whatever, princess."

Luke points away, "I'm just going to go..."
"Yeah, run away, snow flake! No one likes your kind anyway! Go back to the winter forest, why don't you, you fucking snowball!"

Luke goes slightly red and tears up.

"Now, i don't like Luke much anyway, but that was just rude. So. You're racist to my husband, you almost called him a terrorist, and then you're racist to Luke, just because he's an Albino Night Blood."
"They're freaks of nature!"

I narrow my eyes, "I will make sure, that when you get to your own universe, that you are shot dead."
"You're bluffing!"
"What sort of Night Blood are you?"
"Pure bred."
"Ha! That's cute. I'm a half breed, darling, and I will have you shot down when you get back to your own home. I look forward to seeing it in the newspapers, bye bye darling!"

I wave my hand and he disappears and The last thing I saw was the fear in his pretty little eyes.

Sam frowns, "wow, I wanted to slap that guy."
"Don't worry darling, I slapped him for you."

He kisses my cheek, "thanks love! Now, I gotta get back to the other kids, I'll see you guys when you get back! Love ya!"

He kisses my cheek and disappears.

Luke shuffles his feet, "I'm... I'm sorry... I also don't want us to leave on bad terms, so can't we just... part as friends?"
"Fine." I smirk, "but no trying to kiss me again!"
"Noted! I'll... uh... catch you later?"
"Good bye, Luke."
"Bye, Damien Jean."

He walks away and me and Ves continue looking at comic books...

When we get in, he runs into the living room and sits on one of the sofas with his comics.

I sit in the arm chair.

My father appears, "hey DayJay! So... I don't know if you left them on purpose, but I found all of your old comic books. They've all been opened by you, but they still have there sleeves. Thought you might want them."
"Oh my gods, thank you!!"

I hug him, "I actually completely forgot I had any!"
"Well, you have them now! Also... me and Luper are FINALLY getting married, because we finally have the time. And... um... I don't have anyone to give me away... so I thought, that... this... would be... a good opportunity... to ask... if you could do it..."
"You want me to give you away?"
"If- if you don't mind, you really don't have-"
"I'd be honoured."

I hug him again and he kisses my forehead, "thank you..."

When I let go, he hands me a small envelope, "invitation."
"Thank you father."
"You can bring Sam and the kids."
"Thank you."
"Anyway, I've got to dash! I will see you at the wedding!"
"We'll see you there. Love you."
"Love you too, kid!"

He disappears...

Sam walks downstairs after putting the kids to bed, "what a long day!"

He sits between my legs on the arm chair and I Massgabe his shoulders, "that feel any better, darling?"
"Oh, much better... I think I'm starting to get a headache..."

I massage his scalp with my nails and he sighs, "you know how to make me feel relaxed..."

He leans back and wraps my arms around him, "I love you, you know that?"
"I do, yes. And I love you too."...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now