Sams family

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A police car pulls up near us.

Sam is holding me up as I throw up in the grass.

The police officer approaches us, "everything okay?"
"You smell that?" Sam asks.
"Yeah. It's horrible, isn't it? Got a couple of men going to investigate. Your girl okay?"
"She got drunk with her friend, Ruth, and I picked her up. And then she started feeling a bit more sick when she kept looking out the window as we were driving and so I rolled the window down, but then we smelt whatever that smell was."
"Ah, I see."

He kneels down and puts his hand on my shoulder, "you alright?"

I shake my head, "MmMm."
"Okay, well, I suggest you two get away from here, I think this rotting smell will make you even worse."

Sam nods, "okay."

I look at the officer, "I've seen you at work..."
"I think I may have seen you too, Ma'am. Just not very often. Your the undercover detective/cop, right?"
"Well it's good to meet you."
"You too."
"Now, you two get away from here. We'll call you if we need your help."

I try to stand but I wasted all of my energy on throwing up.

And my head hurts too, and I'm dizzy, and all I can taste is alcoholic acidic vomit.

Sam helps me up and I stumble to the passenger door.

"Sam? Door please?"

He opens it for me and I sit down in the seat and relax all of my muscles.

Sam gets into the drivers seat after speaking with the officer and then begins driving again.

I drift off to sleep...

"Fuck sake..."
"What's wrong?"
"My mom wants to meet you, so she wants us to go to England to stay with her for the week."
"Is your whole family still around?"
"Yes. They're Night Bloods too, turns out. I was born in Russia, abandoned in Germany, they found me and took me to England and I lived there until I was thirty two. I have four sisters and four brothers."
"Ah, okay. I have three brothers and a sister."
"I'm aware. Your family are a lot less chaotic than mine. I really don't want to go but they want to meet you."

Mia sighs, "I really don't want to go see Grandma."

"Well..." I begin, "I could go myself?"
"NO!!" Sam and Mia shout at the exact same time.

"Um... okay?"
"You don't wanna go there yourself, hun. We're goin', but I am not happy about it."

Mia sighs, "I'll go too, but if grandma calls me chick pea one more time, I'm going to slap her."
"Be my guest. Wheres the baby?"

He heads upstairs.

Mia is currently sixteen, and me and Sam used the Night Blood way, (as my father puts it) to have little Elliot. He is only a few weeks old at this point. We used rubies for him.

Mia and Sam would usually visit Sams mother once or twice a year by themselves.

I guess they finally brought me up into conversation...

We arrive at the manor.

It's quite big. Probably as big as my house, but less modern. It's an old fashioned place, but cozy looking.

Elliot wakes up and mumbles and flails his arms around.

Sam parks and we get out.

I turn to Mia, "are you alright, Darling?"

She nods, "I just don't like Grandma... she can be really mean sometimes.... She's the one who suggested the Christian school. She basically blackmailed dad into making me go."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay... I made quite a few friends there."
"That's good then."

She nods again.

We get up to the door and Sam knocks.

A man answers.

Mia shuffles behind me and takes my hand.

I give her hand a squeeze reassuringly.

When she was around fourteen, she started hating me less.

One of the reasons was because she likes dragons and I can turn into a dragon. Not a very big one, but a small pocket sized dragon.

The first time I turned Into a dragon, when I was fighting Evan, I didn't turn myself into a dragon, Evan did. He turned me Into a dragon, so Sam taught me how to.

"Hello, Sam! How've you been?"
"Uh... Good!"
"Good. No longer with that psycho bitch, I see?"
"Nope. Kien, DayJay, DayJay, Kien."

I wave.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, DayJay. Sam has told me a lot about you."

He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"And who's this little bundle of joy?"
"This is Elliot."
"How sweet, isn't he adorable?"
"He is, isn't he?"
"Come in, you lot!"

We go in.

Kien looks at Mia, slightly worried, "Munchkin, are you okay? What's wrong?"
"I thought someone else was at the door..."
"Don't worry, Munchkin, I'm just me! Now! How about you and I go take a look in the dragons section in the library?"
"Let's go then!"

He gets her on his shoulders and they wander off.

I smile, "he's nice."
"He's one of the only sane ones."

He sighs, "let's go see my Mom!"...

I'm sat with Elliot and Sam is at the door of the room waiting for his mother.

He looks out of the door, "oh, hello mom!"
"I will never get used to that accent! Now, let's meet DayJay!"

His mother walks in, followed by a grumpy looking Man, four women, four men and Mia.

I smile, "hello, it's nice to meet you all."

Kien Waves, "hey again!"

He lets Mia off of his shoulders.

Sam introduces all of his family to me as Kira and James, his parents. Lola Sarah, Emily and Jess, his sisters, Ben, Jake, Harry and of course, Kien. Who I've met.

They all sit down.

Mia and Kien Are sat looking over a book together.

Kira is looking at me slightly surprised.

She looks at Sam and whispers to him rather loudly, "he's wearing a dress!"
"She's Gender fluid."
"What does that mean?"
"She doesn't conform to just one gender. She goes by any and all pronouns."
"Ah... I see..."

Kien looks at her, "don't mind it mother, we should make her feel welcome in our house. We shouldn't make her feel uncomfortable."

I silently thank him and he nods and smiles...

When the night rises...     *book three*Where stories live. Discover now