Chapter 34

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We were wrapped in the sheets, breathing heavily while enjoying the silence of happiness when it was shattered. The door flung open and in came extremely muscular men wearing dark clothing with shrubby heads of hair that spiked out of their skulls. Harry's body tensed. They waisted no time.

"Up." They demanded at the both of us. I just stared, what?

"Up." They persisted. Harry looked over at me, water in his eyes. He knew what was happening.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

One man pulled Harry out of the bed laughing and gripped his wrists tight behind his back. Another closed up on me, but spoke to Harry only.

"You just fucked her in more ways than one."

My heart started racing. The mood was no longer light; it was a rich darkness that was so suffocating, I couldn't concentrate on anything but the fear that rose inside me.

"Harry, what's going on?"

He was about to respond when the man duck taped his mouth and then made him put clothes on. That's when I noticed the man in the corner, hidden by the shadow of the door, pointing a gun at each of us.

"Who are you people?" I started asking frantically. "Some-SOMEONE HELP! Help me!" I started shouting realizing that they were going to do something terrible to us. I could feel it. The man next to me had had enough and scooped me up out of bed. His rough hands on my bare back sent a chill up my spine, literally. Another man ran up to the door, he was smaller and had interestingly modeled ginger hair.

"Time to go!" He didn't shout, but you could sense the urgency. The men took me out first and we headed down a dark hallway. Where was everyone? The lights were out and not a sound could be heard but from us. I tried wiggling out of his grip, but it was no use. Harry wasn't saying much, which pissed me off because shouldn't he be? We're being, like, kidnapped or something and he should be stoping it but he isn't. I could feel the wind rushing through the sheets I was clumsily wrapped in, which spread bad thoughts in my mind because nothing good can come from a naked girl and kidnappers. We were brought outside where a black van was parked with its truck doors open awaiting us. I was  flung into the back and Harry fell in behind me as the doors slammed shut. We were the only things in the back, enclosed by walls on all sides. We saw nothing and we heard pretty much nothing, besides a few mumbles from the outside and front of car.

"Harry, what the hell is happening?"

I couldn't see him, but heard him slide over towards me. His voice was shaky, but still comforting.

"I...I haven't been entirely honest with you. I tried to warn you, but...There was nothing I could do," he started crying. It came on like a roar, just as the car turned on and a dim light lit the space we inhibited. Harry's face was red and tears slid down in rapid fire. His hands were behind his back, so he couldn't wipe them away.

"Hey, hey," I slide closer to him, "it's okay."

"No, it isn't. How can you even say that? Jamie, these people are bad guys. Okay? And...I just thought this wouldn't happen. I don't understand it."

"What's happening?" I helped clean his face off a little and kissed on the lips because I just couldn't help myself. Something about him crying was so heart wrenching, all I wanted to do was make him fell better. Also to ease my nerves because the warmth of his love conjures a happiness unlike no other. We need that now, in the face of whatever this is. But he pulled away, distancing himself.

"You need to listen to me because I can only say this once. I don't know what's going to happen, but this information could save your life. Okay, Jamie?"


"I have been undercover for a few years now investigating a group called Mosaic Man who have been seeking to take full control over the entertainment industry in order to change the way society runs. They're going to rip artists of their lives, their money, and then move towards the government and just take over."

"These people are going to take over the music industry?"

"I know it sounds crazy and weird but you need to trust me. They've done bad stuff and they are smart. They're targeting smaller things in order to gain control until they've got everything -- control over the whole country, not just music."

"I don't understand. This is crazy."

All the sudden, thunderous bangs sounded on the walls that connected us to the criminals that apparently wanted to take over the world. It made no sense to me. Harry's a singer, what is he talking about?

"Here take my shirt," Harry began frantically stripping.


"You're naked. And here," he pulled something out of his pocket, "I grabbed your underwear."

I had forgotten I was only wrapped in a sheet. Blushing, I took them and pulled them up my legs and then slid on his button down, that hung on my body like a dress. The doors opened just moments later and our eyes were blinded by a blazing flashlight.

"Awe, were the lovebirds snuggling?" One of the men taunted. Squinting around, I couldn't tell how many people were staring up at us but it felt like a thousand eyes were glued on us and I hated it.

"What's da band gonna do, aye, boy? Lead man be missing in the mornin'."

"Not into pop?" An impulse overcame me. Harry rubbed my thigh, stop, he seemed to be saying.

"No. I'm not. Now shut up and get out." His tone was stern. I had insulted him, which made me extremely full of pride. I can hold my own among criminals. As of now, at least...

Out of the car, it was easier to see. We were surrounded by six men, two of whom held dangerously tight to both Harry and I. A couple streetlights lit up the back alley parking lot we were in that was surrounded by buildings that clearly hadn't been used in years. They were rusty and chipped of all thier paint. Old store signs hung from one nail and creaked as the wind shifted them on thier ledge.

"Headquarters is ready. Bring 'em together." The tallest man came out from under a shadow. His dark skin and black clothing camouflaged him on the dumpy building he had leaned against. They led us into the building, which looked like a collapsing bar on the outside, but was really well furnished and built on the inside. Everything felt off. My heart beat ran haywire. My vision felt fuzzy. Like I was walking up from a mid-day nap after having the weirdest dream.

Someone pinch me. I'm begging you.

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