Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

The boys stylist allowed me to use her shower, as the guys were all using up the other showers. It was very awkward...

Because I had no clothing, she even gave me an outfit. To my surprise, it was every cute. I now wore a cute pair of brightly colored pink shorts and a white flowy tank.


I opened the door to see a very very large man in black.

"Jamie, One Direction would like you down stairs. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am."

I grabbed my phone and headed down the hallway with him. Downstairs, I was greated by more men and a quick shove out the door into a silver van. It wasn't until there that I felt I belonged.

"Hey, beautiful," Harry slid me closer to him and whispered in my ear.

"Hey," I giggled back. It felt wrong to be attracted to him. I've disliked him to a level unknown to mankind for many many years now, but suddenly, he's back into my life in a whole new way.

"So, what's the plan, Stan..s"

"Souncheck!" Zayn, who I hadn't seen all day, smiled with excitement.

We arrived at the stadium to more busy business-like men. One Direction was told they had a make a wish child attending the sound check. They would say 'hello,' preform, then say 'goodbye.'

"Her name is Clara. She's six years old. She was diagnosed with cancer and you all mean the world to her. Her parents describe it as: 'these five boys are the light in her dark tunnel. They cheer her up from the pain she suffers through everyday.' Clara is inside with her parents, Mike and Sally, as well as her younger brother Timmy, whose four and is a fan as well. Alright, here we go," the man informed the boys as we entered the stadium. I was instructed to hang back and watch from the seats in a different section, to give the family priority; make Clara feel as if it's all for her.

I watched from afar as each boy greeted the sick child with a huge smile and even bigger hug. Each one seemed they could make a great husband, but for me to see Harry caring for Clara like his own daughter was beautiful. Maybe this could work out.

They preformed and sounded great! Now that I don't hate Harry, I can actually appreciate their music.

I glanced around the gigantic stadium as they brought Clara on stage to sing her a song. Not many people sat in the seats, aside from a few management members. But, on the other side of the arena, directly opposite me, only much much higher, sat a girl about my age. Pretty, she was, with long blonde hair. Who was this girl? Surely she wasn't a crazed fan who some how managed to sneak in for she seemed perfectly at home.

"Ignore it, Jamie. It's nothing. Just a friend or something. Maybe someone's daughter who is working here. Nothing."

I repeated to myself many times, as flashbacks to my very first encounter with Harry occurred. The reason I've loathed him for so long.

"Does Harry seem to be looking at her more than normal? No. No, you're being silly, Jamie. It's all in your mind. He wouldn't do this to you again. He promised."

Again, my mind raced.


I walked to the bathroom, leaving most of One Direction in their dressing room. Harry had gone to the bathroom just a few minutes before me and Niall was off finding food. As I walked down the cement hall I heard a familiar voice drifting towards me. As I grew nearer, I heard two voices coming from a cracked door. I quietly peered inside, trying to stay undercover. Inside was a male and female:

"We can't do this! We can't and you know that," said the female.

"Do what? Be kids? C'mon. Live a little!"

I slid next to the door so I could listen but avoid being seen.

"No. Stop it! She'll find out. It will break her."

"Hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" The male joked, which the female extremely disliked.

"Hey,hey,hey," said the male as he tried to calm the female, "I was only kidding. But she won't find out. I love you. I want you. Don't leave me."

At this point I'd had enough. I looked through the slit between the door and wall one last time to make sure I was correct on who the male was in this situation, then stormed just as the male proclaimed his feeling to the girl.

"I love you and there's nothing that could change that--"

"What is going on here? You said you'd changed! And to think I believed you!" I yelled at the curly haired boy.

Harry stared in shock. Speechless.

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