Chapter 35

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I was sat in front of a small man who thought he was much more macho than reality portrayed him. Harry and I sat next to each other in rickety wooden chairs. The name Wade was inscribed on the makeshift desk the small man sat at. I didn't dare turn my head, but I knew men with guns still pointed at us and I knew the one door was was blocked, and even if it wasn't and I could escape, many more men littered the area. Wade, with mysterious blue eyes, slide a folded paper across the table and nodded towards me. I didn't move.

"Move, girl. And open it."

I reluctantly leaned forward, fearful of everything. Harry watched, I could sense his eyes follow my body and examine my motions as my fingers opened the page. There was a scribble of blue writing on it. My eyes tried to decipher what it read, but it was so hard. Two boxes were at the bottom of the page, I knew that much.

"Answer it," Wade bellowed, "Answer it immediately and correctly or," he motioned above our heads. The man that had carried me from the hospital to hear came forward, gun in hand, "or pretty boy gets hurt."

"I - I cannot read it?"

"You have seven seconds...1..."

My heart raced.


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It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Jamie, check yes or no.

That's what the two boxes were for, it had to be. But what? I still don't get it. What is this about?

" second left. Answer the question!" Wade demanded. I stared up at Harry, whose eyes were like wilting flowers. Not caring or know what the question was about, but knowing what it once was, I had to answer the same.



Fire exploded as a screech erupted from my lungs.

"No!" I hollered until I realized that the fire wasn't a bullet, but colorful strings of confetti and that everyone was laughing and Harry wasn't dead or in need of hospital services but grinning with all his might as a tear slid down his face.


"I love you." He stood up and took hold of my violently shaking hands, kissing them gently before wrapping them around his waist.

"I love you so freaking much, Jamie Elizabeth Smith."

"I don't understand." I stuttered.

"Happy anniversary, babe. It was today you checked yes on the very first note I ever sent you, and look at you, still doing it even at the face of death," he chuckled, "you're incredible."

"Oh my god," I embraced him and kissed him, without worrying about the eyes of the men I had thought just moments before were going to kill me and my boyfriend. The thought of the anniversary of my checking 'yes' was ridiculously cute; however, it did bring back some harsh feelings. I decided to let them be and to just enjoy the adorable guy I have in my arms now, rather than let the past pull us apart again.

"Don't ever do that again! You scared me!" I playfully tossed him away from me.

"All for the love," he tugged me so close I could feel his heart beat through his bare chest. Whispering in my ear, his hot breath teased, "You wear my clothes better than I do."

An eruption of applause lit up the room as a group of guys brought in a cake with sparkling candles on top. We blew out the candles to reveal the icing words on the cake that practically made me melt with love.

"Happy note-aversary! All the love. H."

"I've got another surprise for you," Harry wrapped his fingers in between mine and led me out the building and into a car, much nicer than the van, where he settled me in on the passenger side, placed the cake on my lap, and ran over and into the drivers side. We pulled away and drove to our new location with a sense of relief and love. His hand lay on my thigh the whole time, and it was just perfect.

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