Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Beep Beep Beeeep

My annoying alarm clock disturbed my sleep. I rolled over, hoping to give my self a few extra minutes of sleep. Within seconds of my eyes shut, something landed on my back. I rolled over to see a pillow had been thrown at me.

"Hey, what was that for?" I mumbled to my roommate who was getting dressed.

"Get up, girl! You have things to do today!" She smiled.

"Just five more minutes..."

"No. Up. Now." Liz sternly said, as if she was my mother. Like Kathy, we had known eachother for a long time...since the third grade, I believe.

"Fine." I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I then picked out an outfit for the day and got dressed. Slowly slipping my legs into dark blue jeans, sliding on a white tank top, and putting on a red, black, and white plaid buttondown on over, I walked over to my jewlery box. Searching through necklaces, I found one of my favorites and immediately put it on. It was a gold owl on a long gold chain. My brother had given it to me before he checked into rehab.

Liz was in the kitched making breakfeast when I walked downstairs. I grabbed a banna and hot coffee and left.

"Have fun!" She yelled to me as I walked out the door.

"I'll try!" I hollored back. I got into my silver prius and plugged in my iPhone to the AUX cord, clicked shuffle on my itunes playlist, and then headed the the rehab center.

I arrived to see a lot of cars in the parking lot, which was unusual for the rehab center because vistors were strictly regulated. I parked my car and headed inside.

"Hi, I am here to see Xavier Smith," I spoke to the women at the front desk.

"You are?"

"Jamie. Jamie Smith."

"Of corse! Xavier is right in the main room, waiting with the others for the guest speakers."

"Guests?" I asked curiously.

"Oh you haven't heard? The center has started a new program of modivational, and, well, fun speakers for our patients. Every month a new person comes. Today, we are glad to host One Direction, that british boy band. Well, I'm sure you know them. They will be join us in there," she pointed to the room my brother and the other patients waited in, "in just a few moments!"

"Oh, how cool," I smiled polietly and walked to find Xavier. One Direction weren't my favorite band on Earth. I mean, their music alright...I've just never been that into them. I don't know what about them annoys me...but something does.

"Xavier, hey!" I gave him a hug. He seemed alright.

"Jamie, it is so great to see you," He pulled a chair next to him for me to sit in. I sat just as the head of the rehab center appeared on a small platmore in the front of the room.

"Hello everybody!" She cheerfully spoke into a microphone. There were six stools set up on the platform.

"We are happy to host One Direction today! Come on out boys!" She said towards the door. I turned to see a line of boys walk in. First was a blonde, then a light brown haired one, followed by a boy who looked strangly familular to me. He had the darkest hair of all of them.

"Zayn..." I heard my brother wisphear to himself. Zayn was his closet childhood friend, but, when Xavier checked into rehab he was too embarrased to tell Zayn so they lost touch.

Then came a buzz cut brown haired boy with a cute smile, followed by a curly haired bo--No...No...It could't be him. It's been so long. He couldn't be here, now. No.

He locked eyes with mine,

"Jamie?" he mouthed.

"Harry?" I mouthed back. He smiled widely, showcasing his large, but...(I cannot believe I am even thinking this), cute dimples.

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