Chapter 29

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Happy Holidays! Winter break tomorrow! Hoping to get weekly updates started early 2015!! :D

Chapter 29:

I was wandering all about the stadium that day. I can't even tell you how many photos I took. I had the fans, the crew, the boys, the hair dressers, the stylists. Anything and everythign I could get my photolens on, I took a picture. I can't really imagine being given this job...And I'm not so sure I want it, but I want to try. Whether or not Styles works out, this is an experience I won't ever get. I'm sick of being crammed in my appartment doing trips to see my brother. I want to start living a little. I guess now is the time...

I'm most definetly not qualified. So I just keep walking around, though my feet are soar and I haven't gotten food all day, hoping for that one picture that will get me the job. Liz and I split up a while ago. Figured we didn't need to be in the same spot all the time because we'd get the same photos. I hope she's doing alright. We need this.

I went backstage to where a few of the boys were hanging out. Zayn was in the corner talking on the phone. Niall and Louis were intenesley watching a soccer game. I sat in the corner trying not to distrub anybody, occasionally taking pictures. I did get some cute ones, I think.

"Hello, love," Styles snuck up from me, wrapping his arms around my arm. His hair tickeled my ear and the warmth of his body was so just...perfect. He planted a kiss on my cheeck.

"What are you up to?" He asked.


"Don't look so gloomy. Working is fun," he held tight to my hand and shared a seat with me.

"I don't know. Maybe once you get the job."

"He didn't give you the job?" Harry was stunned. His eyes shot open and glued to mine. I didn't look at him.

"No, not really. Said we had a day to prove to him we would do it. I don't know."

"Oh. I didn't realize he'd be such a stickler."

"Yeah, well he's got every reason to be."

"Don't worry, you'll get the job...Let me see," he took the camera from my hands and started flipping through the hundreds of photos I had taken. I watched his reactions at each. Some were normal. Some were a good chuckle or smile. But it wasn't until he'd gone almost all the way through, that he gave the reaction I needed. It took a while but when the camera showed a girl, in a wheelchair, hurdled in between all these crazy girls, his movements, his breath, his heart slowed down. And he just stared, and I stared at him. The noise in the room seemed to dim down. It was just the two of us and the camera in some time warp. Slowly, and without embarasment, a tear slid down his cheeck and then mine.

"She's beautiful."

"She said you saved her, and that you still do everyday."

The way Harry turned to face me was like a lost child making some great discovery. His face was sucken, but the heart and the passion was so previlant. He was feeling something that he hadn't felt before. Or that I hadn't seen from him. But he didn't say anything after that. He just looked at me. Leaned in and kissed me like now was all he had. I did the same and it lasted for a long time or a short time, I do not know. It lasted the perfect amount of time. I had given him something. He had given me something.

"You're so amazing, Jamie. I'm so freaking lucky to call you mine," he voiced before locking lips again.

It all felt surreal in the most blissful of ways. We were changing lives. Even if they were just ours.

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