Chapter 28

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"You want a job?"

"Uh, yeah."

I stood in front of a clean cut man in a

bottom down shirt. Not sure what to say, I continued,

"Sir, Harry thought maybe it would be a good idea. My friend and I could be like social media people for the band. Take pictures of behind the scenes stuff and concerts."

He stared at me unenthused.

"Get the fans excited about everything. Make them feel closer to the, uh, to the band..." My voice trailed off. It was so hard to tell from the mans face if I was making a fool of myself or saying something smart. He just looked at me. And I had nothing else to say so I just looked at him. Awkwardly. For far too long.

"What makes you think we will choose you over a professional?"

"Um...cause you won't have to deal with a jackass?"

To my surprise, he cracked a smile. A very small lift of a corner of his lip, but something.

"I'll give you one day. Today. Depending on what you've got, you'll get the job or not. Deal?"

"Yes! Thank you so much, sir! You won't regret this!" I squealed, shaking his hand far too roughly.


Liz and I ran to our car to grab our cameras. Fans were already gathered outside the gates of the stadium. Watching them in awe, Liz spun around to look at me.

"You know what would be cool?!"

"No...?" I responded.

"If we did like a 'Fans of One Direction' page like 'Humans of New York.'"

"Like pick random fans and ask them questions?"

"Yeah, totally! Like a get to know them thing and about the band. I don't know." Liz pointed her camera towards the crowd and snapped a photo.

"It's worth a try."

Nothing seemed wrong about the idea. It could actually get the fans really excited. A platform for them to share their story. We headed over, trying to figure out exactly how we would pick the fan and what we would say. Eyeing the crowd, a girl sat in a wheelchair behind a few girls holding up a sign.

"Oh my god." A shocked voice blurted angrily as we approached.

"You're the one dating Harry."

I wasn't sure if I should be flattered or insulted. I guess being "the one" is a lot better than being attacked.

"Yeah..." I sorta mumbled in an attempt to not be rude or awkward, but I don't think it worked out like that.

Some of the girls were actually quite nice. Of course they were very, very interested in everything about Harry. I didn't know what to say. It's was all so odd, them being so interested in someone I knew in such a different light. Liz turned on her camera while we talked and started taking some pictures of the girls.

The snarky girl from the front who had recognized me snapped at Liz.

"What the hell! Did you just take a picture of me?"

Liz's eyes darted my way. I quickly responded in a need to help a friend out,

"Yeah, we're thinking of starting like a Fans of One Direction page like Humans of New York..."

My voice trailed of with insecurity. There was a silence that filled the air for a half a second too long before the girls in the back row of the group enthusiastically greeted the idea with pleasure. A smile spread across both Liz and my faces. Not a happy smile, more of a wicked, we-can-get-something-out-of-you menacing grin.

"Put us on."

"Well...we aren't sure who is going on or how it will work yet." Liz responded cautiously.

"Get a nice picture of me, I want the boys to see my good side," the girl continued. I swear I could punch her, but after the car incident, I don't think getting on the bad side of these fans is such a good idea.

"We aren't sure what will happen with this look fine."

She didn't like that answer. I turned to the girl in the back, sitting in a wheelchair with her mom at her side. I'm not sure what was wrong with her, but clearly something. I nodded toward Liz who got her camera ready,

"Hi! Would you like to tell us why you like the boys?"

She was probably fifteen years old. She didn't have much hair and her face seemed so gentle looking. As she made fragile eye contact with me, there was so much delight and hope in her eyes.

"Me?" Her voice squeak in wonder.

"Of course you!"

Both her and her mother looked over joyed, which made me feel so happy! The girl went on to say a lot of the typical fan craze stuff, like how they saved her life and make her feel happy when times get tough. With her though, it felt real. Not just words, but real meaning. It was powerful.

What made it all special was the fact that I could tell someone about her. She could be spoken about to her idols, and if she knew that, I think she'd...well, for lack of a better word, die.

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