Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Nervous about the box I checked, I turned around to go back to the couch. I heard my door slam open, but before I could turn around a smooth, cold hand grabbed ahold of mine and spun me around. Our bodies embraced and out lips made contact. The grip the hands used to hold my body to theirs was fierce. After I was able to get over the shock I was first in, I was able to become passionate as I knew all to well who this body belonged to. Playing with the tangled mess of hair that topped off the body, I grew more into the kiss, as did he. We stayed close together for much time, then reluctantly, he pulled away.

"Jamie, I'm sorry for everything I have ever done. Don't ever leave me again."

The male went in for one more kiss.

"No, I'm sorry," I sighed, "I overreacted and I'm sorry. I should have let you explain."

Harry, romantically, lifted me onto my kitchen counter and stood in between my legs, playing with my hair.

"I should have told you in the first place before sneaking off," he continued to apologize. I interrupted him,

"So it's both our faults. Let's just settle on that okay?"

He smiled and kissed my nose,"agreed."

"One last thing," he sweetly giggled, "you can trust me. I won't ever hurt you again. I promise."

With that, I leaned in for a kiss. It was too hard to resist his lips; him. He insisted on cooking me a tasty desert, as we both had already eaten dinner. I sat on the counter as he slaved away in the kitchen, or so he would say. It was the cutest thing, seeing him, a heartthrob to millions, struggling to work simple kitchen appliances. After a few minutes he carried me, like a knight would his princess, over to the couch where I was commanded to stay so he could surprise me.

I sat unwillingly alone on the couch, anxiously awaiting for him to come and cuddle with me on the sofa. Every once in a while I would call out to him in hopes that would hurry the process; it didn't, but his responses were cute enough for me to handle the wait.

A little while later the lights flickered and out from the kitchen came the most handsome baker I've ever laid eyes on.

"I present thee, most beautiful girl who hath calls herself Jámie," he spoke my name with a very funny French accent, "with this prized desert fit only for the most special girl in the world......and her man if she so desires," he laughed. By now he was standing in front of me, in which I lay on my stomach looking at him from the arm rest of the chair on which my head rested. Harry slowly bent over, careful not to drop his masterpiece, so our heads where aligned. In front of me, held in his large hands, was a massive bowl of three different kinds of ice cream. M&M's, marshmallows, gummy bears, sour gummy worms, sprinkles, hot fudge, Carmel sauce, and practically anything sweet you could imagine lay on top of the ice cream. It was adorable.

"Madame, care to feast?" Harry beamed, displaying two silver spoons in one hand.

"Don't mind if I do, chef Styles, don't mind if I do."

He walked to the table and placed the bowl of ice cream on the table. I creeped behind him so just as he turned around, I startled him into a luxurious kiss.

"You're the best," he said between breaths.

"Yeah, you're not bad yourself."

With that, we feel back onto the couch in a cuddle. His body was worm and his breath was gentle. He placed my head on his chest and, as he picked a show for us to watch, I gazed up in amazement at his beautiful figure. His hand that wasn't being used by the remote played with my hair romantically. When the chance arose, I slid my hand into his and kissed his hand.

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