Chapter 21

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Hello! My new goal is to write a chapter every day or two (assuming I'm not ambushed with school work:/ I will try my very best!). Please share the story ad let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Chapter 21:

  We sat at the bar, on the opposite side of the men watching sports. Harry ordered a beer. I stopped him as he tried to order me one.   

"Shirley temple, please," I told the waiter. Harry turned to me,  

"I'm sorry, I should have asked what you wanted..."  

"Hey, no big deal."

  "Do you even drink? We can go if you want."

  "No, no. It's fine. Ever since my brother though I've stopped drinking with him."

  "Wow. That's really awesome of you."  

My heart fluttered as he smiled at me. There is something so intriguingly frightening about the way he makes me feel. Like I've been taken to a parallel universe, extremely distance from any contact to the real world. I suppose he has always made me feel like so. Perhaps that was the reason I fell so childishly head over heels for him so long ago, when he was a nobody with no perception of his actions. When he was just the boy who sat a few rows behind me with his friends goofing off the entire lesson.   

Our drinks arrived. He grasped his beer bottle like a natural. His muscular arm brought the bottle to his lips and back to the wooden counter. 

  The men at the other side of the counter erupted in cheers as some soccer player made a goal. Harry laughed while looking at the television,

  "Bet Niall's throwin' a tantrum back at the stadium."

    "They're there already? Seems a bit early."

 Crazy how easy it is to forget about someone's abnormal lifestyles while in their presence tucked away from all else. The show was tonight. Hundreds of girls would pack into an area to see him, this male figure so recently back in and out of my life. They'd oogle at his body and voice. Many of them would certainly be much better looking than I, with fancy outfits garbing their bodies and gallons of makeup plastered on their faces. Each would captivate his attention in a way I'd never be capable of doing so.    The sound of his voice pulled me out of my head and back into the world.

"Eh, we usually get their in the morning and hang out, work out, stuff like that. It's all just a bit easier that way. I got lucky today though, to be out here with you, lovely."

I blushed but didn't feel the compliment of sorts in my heart. Such a strange world we were living. Him once my entire focus, then my arch enemy, in a way. Suddenly back and captivating me once again only to destruct everything so quickly... But then he held strong, capturing my heart all the same. 

His hand, slightly damp from his now half emtpy bottle of beer, traced up and down my thigh, casting a shiver through my spine. His eyes pooped open wide as he reached reached for something in his pajama pocket. 

"Close your eyes!"

I obeyed. He took ahold of my hands, I feared what he was to do with them. Gently, he rested something in my palms. After one surprise kiss, he let me open my eyes. I stared down at a VIP pass to the One Direction Concert. 

"If you would like," he sweetly smiled, "I would really love to have you attend the show tonight."

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