Chapter 38

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Warning: (semi)Mature content. Read cautiously.

"Calm down, Jamie! I swear, everything is going to be alright."

"Alright? Seriously, Harry, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Look, I know my fate in this picture. I get management, they've got everyone's 'best interest' in mind. Well, sure whatever gets them to bed at night, but I can't be in this show. Not after everything that's already happen. I mean, what are the fans going to say once they know we're engaged! They're not going to like it, that's what!"

"Then you don't have to be in the show. If that's what you want." He rubbed his arms on mine. Affection was the least of my worries right now and I shoved his tattooed limbs off me.

"I bet that's what you want, right? So you can have two girlfriends, right? God. Why do I do this with you? Why do I keep coming back like things are ever going to get better than they were when we were little. We are clearly hopeless."

"Jamie. Stop, please."

"No, I won't stop. I just can't live this life, Harry. I just can't."

"What you need to do is stop running from fears. We can't do this every time normal life changes. I'm sorry about the craze and the business of this all, I really am, but I can't control it. I could if I would and for you - to protect you - I will do everything I can to make sure you are taken care of. So, please, Jamie, sit down and let's figure this out together. Alright?"

I let out a sigh as my shoulders shrugged. We were standing in a hallway tucked far away from the rest of the band members because once I got the news and the meeting broke up, I just had to walk as far away from the horror as I could. Where no cameras could see me and no ears could eavesdrop. Harry helped me sit down and held my hands as I tried to remember what calm was.

"...I'm just a little scared." I finally summoned.

"So am I." He shyly grinned.

"Why are you scared?" I asked.

"I'm scared of losing you. And, I don't want my job to ever come between us...but that's all it ever does."

"No, this isn't your fault. It's me. I just wasn't made for this lifestyle, I'm not adjusted yet, that's all. I'll get better. And...hey, maybe this show could give my photography a bust, yah know? Maybe it could be good for my career."

"There's my girl, finding the positivity in everything." He smirked. As I stared at his hair - how it fell behind his ears and was growing more and more recluse by the day - his lips pursed and I knew what I wanted to do, for our last evening sheltered from the world's wrath. So, without words, or a second glance around, I attached my lips to his and the passion sprung immediately. His masculine hands caressed my jaw. He knew what I wanted to do without a moments pause.

In a hallway we'd never been to before, Harry heavily breathed into my mouth as he slid his body atop of mine and my legs stretched out under his crotch. His fingers fiddled with the end of my shirt before tickling my back on their way towards my bra. I couldn't help giggle.

"Don't ruin the mood, babe." Harry teased.

"Sorry, but your tickling me."

"Am I, aye?" Harry twiddled with his fingers more and I had to clench onto his shirt and pull his mouth to mine to stop myself from laughing. But that worked because I was suddenly very hot and anxious, panting and sliding my tongue into the depths of his most prized instrument - his mouth. With his shirt in my grasp, I let one of my hands explore his chest, slipping it underneath his t-shirt and feeling the sweat his abs were producing, imagining where my hand was in relation to each of his tattoos. With a twiddle of his wrist, my bra was unhooked. His ring was cold on my breast, but I didn't mind. His lips kissed my neck, all the way down to where his hands rested underneath my shirt. Harry teased me as his teeth gently clenched onto the end of my breast and tugged.

"You're - so - weird." I breathed.

"Tell me to stop." He moved to the left side.


I entwined my fingers in his hair and held him close.

"Well, damn. I've just hit the jackpot," a strange, high pitched voice cheered. I turned my head to see a skimpy camera man filming us. And I didn't know whether to hide myself or punch the man.

"Reality show's gonna be fun, aye?" The man raised his camera and strode off. I pushed Harry off of me and followed the man, letting my bra fall the floor behind me.

"Where do you think you're going?" I shouted.

"What's it matter to you?"

"You can't show that to anyone."

"That's not up to me, Miss."

"Miss? Who the hell do you think you are?" I sassed.

Harry ran up behind me as the man kept walking away, holding me back.

"Don't worry, Jamie. I'll figure it out."

"You can try, rockstar," the guy shouted back at us, "but you're contract gives you little to no control in the TV show. Mr. Diva's just gonna have to start making better choices...and pick better girls, too, lad. You could do better than this."

"He did not seriously just say that." I sternly questioned myself.

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