Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

The one other time I ever went to a One Direction show, everything spiralled down hill for Harry and I. The day I thought things would change and the day I didn't actually hate him or the band - it all changed. But, tonight would be different. It will be different. I might even enjoy it. 

Before the show, while Harry went to the arena for the VIP meet and greets and soundcheck, I went to see my brother. It'd been a little while since I saw him, or even spoke to him, for that matter. The nurse at the front desk seemed surprised to see me. 

"Hi, is it alright if I see Xavier now?"

"Xavier? I'm sorry, sweety, but he's checked out."

"Checked out?"

"Yes. About a week ago, he checked out."

"N-N-No. How is that possible?"

"He was doing much better and got everything cleared for his exit."

"Um. Um - okay." 

I stummbled out of the building and to my car. My brohther was gone. He left over a week ago. My mind couldn't handle the stress. Fumbling around my car, I searched for my cellphone. Where was my brother? How did he just get out? Where is he? Why hadn't he contacted me? I could feel the nerves esculating. My brother left. Left without ever telling me. My brother left me.

Before I could find my phone, it rang. Rang so loud it startled me and my wandering mind. I found it deep down in my purse and picked it up immediately. 


"Hey," I heard a raspy voice say.

"Hi, Harry. What's up?"

"Just checking on you. And you remeber the way to get in?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I remember."

"Great. Oh yeah, how's the visit?"

"It's uhh -  it's."

"What's the matter?"

"I just -" I dropped the phone and my head collapsed in my hands. The stress and the fear sunk in. I could feel sadness dwelling - he left without any goodbye. Harry's tinny voice yelled through the phone. I did not pick it up. I couldn't. I couldn't talk to anyone. The voice soon after stopped. Now, I was officially alone. Alone to deal with the pain of having a disappearing brother. I closed my eyes and tried my best stop the tears. 

I'm not sure how long after, but a knock startled my depressing calmness. A constant knocking came from the window beside my head. Harry, with a frazzled appearance, waited impatiently for me to unlock the vehicle. As soon as I did, he swung the door open and engulfed me in a hug. To my surprise, it helped more than expected. His muscles protecting me. 

"You scared me," he voiced through a shaky tone. Looking up at him when he released me his eyes, too, were red. 

"I'm sorry. How are you here?"

"I got out as soon as I could. That doesn't matter right now - are you okay?"

"Yes," I shyly smiled, "Now, I am."

He embraced me once more before carrying me to into his car, locking mine up, and getting in the drivers seat. While he drove me to my apartment to collect something, I told him of my news. He listened intently, zooming through the yellow lights. 

"He'll turn up, don't worry." He insisted.

"I know, it just freaked me out. Took me by surprise...Thank you for coming."

"Always," he placed his hand on my lap, I grapsed it without hesitation. A calming storm he was. 

When we arrived I ran up to my room to change my shirt and apply a quick dose of fresh makeup due to my tear splattered cheeks. My roommate was on the couch with a date enlocked in a steamy looking french kiss, so I awkwardly made my way into the room. The date cheekily smiled at me as I left. Harry waited in the car, ready to speed off to the stadium when I got back in. 

"Got everything you need?" He asked before heading back onto the highway. I nodded and we left. I still couldn't believe he managed to leave the stadium to come help me. He sang along to the radio as we sat in traffic miles from the entrance to the stadium we would be using. It was funny hearing all the talks of secret doors and nicknames. A world so unnatural. 

Harry's bandana fluttered from the wind streaming in from the cracked window. The fingers on his free hand tapped the beat to the tune. 

Suddenly the mood changed. A shreek came from a car nearby. I turned my head to see what had happened. The phone stiking up out the window and the paralyzed girl behind it reminded me of not what had happened but who had happened.

Harry Styles. 

But, this girl spread the news quickly. Soon, Harry and I awkwardly - beyond awkwardly - sat in a car surrounded by girls snapping pictures and yelling for pictures or just acknowledgement.

Fish in a fishbowl. Animal in a zoo. Trapped. Caged.

With no escape. 

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