Chapter 23

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Trapped. We were trapped. Surrounded by girls with camera phones and excited shrieks banging on the windows of our car. Harry awkwardly waved at them, whilst trying to figure out what to do.

"I'm sorry," I finally blurted, feeling terrible.

"Why?" He looked over at me with concern in his eyes.

"Because you came back for me and now you're going to be late for your show."

"This is not your fault," he placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed soothingly. 

"It's just that -"

"Hey, everything will be fine." He squeezed my thigh, instead of kissing me. The girls were an intimidation. A deter. Picking up his phone he made a quick phone call to his manager who was going balistic on the other end.

"You're what?" He yelled through the phone. Apparently he was due on stage in a mater of minutes. 

"Yeah, we're stuck. I'm not sure what to do."

Unprotected and out in the open, Harry spoke into the phone with fright. Some girls glared at me through the windows so I kept my eyes low. No need to start a whirlpool of drama now. 

"God, Harry," his manager spoke, "the cops are on their way. I didn't even know you left," he continued with rage, "You're lucky nothing worse happened."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks." Harry hung up the phone abruptly. The fans grew louder and suddenly the car door in the back, behind Harry, rattled. 

"Um, Harry?" I asked, hoping nothing worse was to happen.

"It's alright. The car is locked," he tried reasurring me, but it was no use. I could hear the fear in his voice.  Fear arose in me - what could these girls do? What would they do? With that thought, the window crashed open allowing a girl of about seventeen years of age entry way to our car. With the help of the other fans, she slid her way into the backseat, without care of the broken class she had splattered everywhere or that she had just wreched Harry's car. 

"Damn," I heard Harry whisper under his breath. They were in. They were in the car. Once the female was fully in, she stuck her head next to Harry's, took a quick seflie, then charged at my neck. Grasping it tightly, dropping her phone on the ground by my feet, she proceeded to finish me off. I tried grasping for air whist pulling at her body to get the crazy thing off of me. I could see Harry pulling at her and another girl starting to slither her way in the backseat. That was not good. The girl's grasp over my neck weakend for a split second as someone was pulling her away by the legs. Harry grabbed her by the waist and pushed her further away from myself. In a daze and grasping for air, I sat stunned watching the rest of the scene take place. The second girl who was only waist deep into the car was slowly beginning to drag the daranged fan out with her. I closed my eyes and took massive breaths. That girl was helping, thank God. She lashed over at Harry a couple of times who only flung her grasp away, as polite as possible. After must tantrums, the girl was out of the car, but the window still lay cracked and open to any other fans with a desire to attack me. 

"Are you alright?" Harry asked in a flurry.

"Um, I think so." I sighed. Police sirens sounded from a ways away. Yes. They're coming for us. And they did. Minutes later they were clearing the area of fans so that we could get a police escort to the stadium. Luckily for us, the fans obeyed and stepped aside, got back in their cars, so that the traffic would clear and we could be on our way. 

"That was insane." Harry said once we were driving, and almost to the stadium.

"Yeah...insane." I said, still in shock.

"Jamie, I'm sorry." He entwirled his fingers with mine.

"Don't be."

"I just wish I could have stopped that, you know? There is no predicting what they'll do."

"I know, it's alright."

"But I promise you, I will always be there to stop them. Nothing is ever going to happen to you again, as far as I'm around. You have my word on that."

"Thank you," I leaned over and pecked him on the check. When we pulled into the stadium, he leaned over and kissed me like it'd been one hundred years since the last time he had the chance to. The officers walked us into the stadium, questioning what happened to the window and the red marks covering my neck.

"I know you've got a show to do, but we'll need to file a report on that girl, for your insurance. You can press charges if you'd like as well." The officer instructed before Harry was dragged away by his manager and thrown on the stage to perform in front of a group of thousands of fans, some sain, some insane. 

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