🍁Roy X Fem!Reader

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It was another normal day at school. Though, today was extra exhausting for some reason. I hated math more than anything. The teacher loaded us with homework, it seemed that's all I could think about during lunch. I zoned out thinking about wasting my precious time doing dumb homework. It was easy stuff, but the amount would make it take forever. God I hate school.

I was sitting with my small friend group. I really only liked two of them. The others were nice, I'd just never hang out with them outside of school. Next thing I know, I hear my name being shouted.


One of my friends had called my name. I came back from my daydream and my eyes flickered around in confusion. My friends all had their eyes on me, they snickered. I had been out of it. I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry. What were you saying?" I replied.

One of my friends smiled, "I asked if you were going to the dance with anyone." All the girls eyes were set on me, some leaning in and staring with wonder.

"Uh... no." I looked down, a little embarrassed. Was I the only one without a partner to go to the dance with? It was only a couple days away now that I think about it. But who would I even go with?

"Oh. Anyone you got your eyes on?"

"No, not really. I don't think I'll go with anyone."

The girls faces saddened. They all bombarded me with many names of people I could go with, anyone they could think of. Then it turned into a search around the lunchroom to find me someone.

"Guys guys! It's okay, really. I don't have to go with anyone. Middle school relationships don't ever last anyway." I sigh.

Finally, the attention and craziness was off of me. Maybe they thought I was annoyed. They were all now talking about their crushes and planning their whole future with boys and girls I never even knew existed at this school. It's too big of a school to keep track of everyone. I just continue eating the nasty school lunch and half way listen to what my friends are rambling about.

"Ooo.. Y/N, I think Roy is looking at you!"

I look up from my sandwich and raise an eyebrow. It's probably just another attempt of getting me a date. I sigh loudly.

"Seriously I don't need—"

I cut myself off when I look in the direction of where she was pointing. Roy was in fact looking at me, our eyes met and he scrambled to look away. His cheeks flushed red and he (a little too aggressively) looked at his sandwich on his lunch tray.

"So...?" I answered, feeling a little suspicious.

"OH MY GOD! He probably likes you!"

"Awww! So cute!"

"You guys are perfect for each other!"

I sigh and stare at my lap, heat rising to my cheeks. I decide not to protest with my friends crazy antics. He was just looking at me, it doesn't matter..

As lunch went on, I couldn't help but glance at Roy. I caught him staring a few more times, us both awkwardly looking away immediately. He was sitting with his two other friends. Ross and Robert I think? I don't really interact with them much, Ross is in one of my classes, and I have two with Roy. Those three act like a gang, that's for sure.

I loose myself staring at the three of them. Roy's face is bright red and he's whispering to the other two. Robert shakes his head vigorously and says something. If only I could read lips.

I get caught staring at them, and my friends make a huge deal over it again. Their teasing was interrupted as the bell rang. Lunch was over, time to get to my next class. I stood up with my tray, realizing I forgot to throw my food away.

I walk over to the trash cans and throw away my remaining food, setting the tray on a pile of others. I meet my friends back over to walk to our next class.

We head down the hallways in search for our classrooms. I just listen in on whatever the others are talking about, I don't have anything interesting to say. As I'm quietly following, I hear my name being called.

"Y/N! Wait up!"

It was Roy. What did he want?

My friends turn around along with me, only to snicker and tease me. They all waved, heading to their classes leaving me and Roy.

"Yeah?" I ask casually. Somethings off about him.

He tips his hat over his eyes, cheeks burning red. He stays silent for a long time. His body language showing how uncomfortable he was. This was a complete personality change for him.

"I- uh.. wanted to ask you something."

I nod, encouraging him to continue.

"Do you uh..."

"Do you wanna go to the dance with me?"

My eyes widened. I was stunned, throat clogged. I could feel how red my cheeks were.

"Y-yeah! Sure.." I smiled, still somewhat flustered. I was so flattered he wanted to go with me.

"Really!?" He shouted, happiness in his eyes.

"Of course. Sounds great."

He smiles, confidence radiating from him.

"Okay. I'll see you around." He waves, trying to to put his cool act on before running back to his friends childishly. I realized they were watching from afar.

I watch him for a couple seconds more, catching on to something he says when greeting his friends.

"She said yes! I'm going to the dance with the prettiest girl in the world!" He shouts happily to his friends, as if I had just agreed to marry him. I get butterflies from what he said and I can't help but smile to myself.

"Hey! Get to class! The bell is going to ring!" A teacher sternly shouts, directing it to all of us.

I look around and notice everyone is gone except myself and the other three. I panic and get to class, though now I have a pep in my step and in a way better mood.

"Can't wait for the dance..." I whisper to myself.

(1044 words)

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