🍁Robert X Reader

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Robert is so cute, like what? 😭🛒

This one is really small.. sorry about that, I just wanted an extremely fluffy cuddle session with Rob. Anyway enjoy the story my guys



"That's some bad weather out there..."

The sky was dark, as if it was late at night. Thick puffy clouds took over the bright blue sky and poured rain down. Rain tapped again the windows and you could hear the pitter-patter against the roof above us. Me and Robert were sitting on our shared bed just after discussing date plans, listening to the hum of the silence.

"Your right." Robert said with a sigh, staring out the window with dismay. The room around us was pretty dark because of the lack of natural light. All other lights being off. Me and Robert sat in the thick quietness, attentively watching the rain come down and smack against the window.

"There goes our date.." he says sadly.

"It's okay Rob, we can just spend time together inside." I smiled, trying to be positive.

"Yeah!" He chirped, pulling me into a hug by my waist. I kicked the soft blanket off myself and let him bury me into the bed below us. I know it's gonna get hot with being so close to one another. With a huge grin on his face, he rested his head on my chest while still holding me tightly in his arms.

I chuckled at his clinginess, in return, wrapping my arms around him as well. We sat in a comforting silence, the peaceful patter of rain knocking against the window. The window was slightly open, letting in more sounds of the outside world, cars driving by and splashing of puddles. Can't forget the strong but relaxing smell of wet grass flooding the room.

Robert reached his head up, kissing my forehead. I couldn't help but smile. He made me feel so happy and fuzzy on the inside. I nuzzled myself into him more, wanting to be as close as possible to him. Robert smelled like vanilla, which made me hold in a laugh. His favorite hoodie he was wearing at the moment still smelled like the vanilla spray I found hidden in a drawer one day, I sprayed him with it for no particular reason. He didn't smell bad at least.

I let out a chuckle, recalling the memory.

"Whatcha giggling at?" He asked sleepily.

"You smell like that spray..." I broke into laughter, unable to contain myself. He started laughing too.

"I haven't washed my hoodie yet, obviously I'll still smell like it." He giggled, "At least I smell good."

I finished my fit of giggles and leaned my head on his neck. Robert mindlessly rubbed my back, staring off into space. The sound of rain didn't cease, didn't seem like it planned to either. Everything was so.. peaceful. I felt so relaxed, as if I had no worries in the world. The beautiful rain that I love, in Robert's arms, nothing could mess up this moment.

Robert kissed my head multiple times, moving to peck me on the lips and all over my face. I smiled, I've been smiling so much my face was hurting. We shared love-filled stares and some laughs every once in awhile.

Robert pulled away from a kiss, staring me in the eyes like before. But.. something was off. He didn't have that same lovestruck stare this time. His eyes were soft with worry.

"Rob.. what's wrong?" I mumbled, shifting slightly to have our bodies touching again and intertwined our hands.

"I'm sorry." He sighed.

"For what babe? You didn't do anything."

"Sorry our date got ruined.." He looked away, down at the blankets under us.

I grabbed the sides of his face gently, pulling him closer to mine. "Baby that isn't your fault at all. You can't control the weather!"

Our eyes met and he couldn't help but grin sadly. "I know... it just seems like I'm not making enough time for you. I was so happy we finally got this date planned out! But... then it got ruined." He glanced towards the dark window, wet with rain droplets.

I cuddled myself up against him with a sigh. "I know your busy, plus you've made plenty of time for me. Like now, I'm having a ton of fun."


"Sweetheart just being with you makes me the happiest person alive." I muttered sheepishly, though it still came out pretty confident thank god.

He looked at me as if he was going to cry. I got pulled into an tight hug that squished me more into him, which I didn't think was possible.

"I love you pumpkin.." He said, laying his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too Rob."

He came back for more affection, connecting our foreheads. His arms had a protective grip on my sides and we just stared at each other in silence. Our eyes said it all. He chuckled softly to himself before kissing me again. I grinned, kissing him back.

The rain and our comfortable peace and quiet accompanied us as we spent the rest of the night cuddling and kissing. Our date may have got ruined, but I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend my night.

Just me and Robert.

(899 words)

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