🍁Hatzgang X Reader

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I was sitting at home on my bed, bored out of my mind. I was playing games on my phone, curled up in a soft blanket. I had just gotten changed into my sleeping clothes, which consisted of sweatpants and a soft t-shirt.

It was pretty late at night at the moment, I had been at home doing absolutely nothing. Whatever my brain could come up with to entertain myself. I had done some weekend homework though, it was really annoying that my teacher assigned homework for the weekend, but it was done and over with. Now my Sunday would be carefree.

It was completely silent all throughout the house besides the echoing sound of my finger speedily tapping my phone screen. Only my mother was home, and she was most likely resting after getting home from work. I squinted, trying to see what my phone said. I was so focused on my game, I didn't see the person that was outside my window.

The latch on my window rattled as the window opened from the outside. I jumped, dropping my phone on my lap in a panic, thinking someone was breaking in. I got off my bed in a hurry, getting on my feet to run from the intruder, before I met eyes with Ross. He stuck his head in my window and stared blankly at me.

"Hey, Y/N." He greeted causally, half his body through the window.

"Oh my god Ross, you scared the shit out of me!" I complained, though completely relieved it was only him at the same time. "What are you doing here and why did you break in through my window...?"

Robert poked his head into the upper part of the window that was closed, waving to me through the glass. I sighed. I guess this was pretty normal for these three. Well, two.

"Where's Roy?"

"He's on the ground. He's too short to jump up here." Ross answered. He completely dodged my first question, which annoyed me a bit.

"You coming?"

I giggled, walking over towards the open window. Ross slipped back through and sat down on the shingles of the roof. His knees to his chest, watching me come over. Robert bent over and looked in through the window, finally getting to say his greeting.

"Hey N/N! We've come to kidnap you!" He said happily.

"Oh are you now?" I raised an eyebrow with a playful smile. I struggled a little, but got out through the window. Robert held onto my arm, making sure I didn't fall on the slightly slanted roof.

Ross silently went over to the edge and slid off my roof, landing on the ground. It wasn't that high off the ground, it was extremely easy to climb up on the roof and get to my window if you used your surroundings properly. These idiots always use the window instead of the front door, though I appreciate it, I'm not sure how my mom would react to me hanging out with three boys all the time.

Robert climbed down off the roof, holding out his hand to me so I could get down. I timidly jumped down, Rob catching me and helping me back on my feet.

"Thanks." I said to him.

Roy was sitting on the grass pouting. He hastily got up and walked over to the three of us, his arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face.

"Hi Roy.." I said hesitantly, afraid of the look he had on his face.

"Hi." He spat.

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