🍁Jealous!Hatzgang X Reader

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I know I know, I'll stop making fun of Roy's height. bUT HES SMALL-

Also sorry if there's a lot of mistakes in this I barely proof read isndidbdodndi


I opened up the squeaky locker door and grabbed my stuff. It was in the middle of the school year, everyday seemed to mush together. I could hardly remember what I did yesterday, blindly going about my school day as always. I only remember bad things, such as the huge amount of homework our science teacher gave us for the upcoming test.

My boyfriends were hanging around with me, talking among themselves. I finished gathering my stuff and closed my locker door, locking it up. I turned to the three boys discussing who knows what and tried my best to shove myself in the conversation.

"Dude, Mr. Oakley is a dick." Roy spat. "Half the class didn't have the assignment for today done and I was singled out. Mother fucker..."

"Agreed. He isn't the best." Robert said with a sigh.

"I don't have Mr. Oakley." I stated, glancing down at the notebook I had in my hand.

"He sucks. Your lucky." Ross said with a chuckle.

We continued small talk. Not really paying attention to, or caring, about the time we had left to get to our next classes.

We were walking down the hall, side by side, making a huge four person barricade in the hallway. People gave us angry glances but immediately dealt with us after seeing who was making the barrier. There's some perks to being friends with the most feared boys in school sometimes. No one dares to stand up to them. So they walked around us.

Carefree as ever, we continued down the hall.

"Hey Y/N!" A random guy from my history class called to me. I turned suddenly, looking over at the guy who was at his locker.

I could feel the anger radiating off Roy who was standing next to me. "Oh uhm.. hi." I muttered. What the fuck was his name again? I couldn't remember.

He smiled at me, coming over to me and the other three. The smile was wiped off his face as soon as he saw the look on my boyfriends faces. I raised an eyebrow at the random boy's fearful expression before I looked behind me.

I let out a sigh, giving them a look that told them to tone it down. Of course they didn't listen to me.

"Uhm.. I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" The boy muttered, still a terrified look on his face.

"No no.. it's nothing ignore them." I said quickly, "So what did you need me for?"

He opened his mouth to speak before Roy cut him off. "Don't continue that sentence."

"Excuse me...?"

"Don't." Ross hissed.

"Guys-" I turned to reason with them before Robert pulled me into a tight grip, pulling me into him by my waist.

"They already have boyfriends. Fuck off." Roy growled, grabbing my hand tightly. Ross stepped closer, also putting an arm around my waist. I felt my entire face heat up immensely.

I mouthed a sorry to the random boy from my history class, apologizing for their aggressive behavior. I mean, I'm glad I didn't have to reject him if that's what he was coming over for... I just wish these three weren't so mean to him. He's genuinely a nice guy.

"A-all four of you..?" He mumbled, staring in awe.

"Yeah? Got a problem." Roy said.

"No no no! N-not at all!" He said in fear, "I'll just go.."

And then he left.

The three let go of me, their defensive behavior leaving immediately. Back to talking about whatever.

"Guys... really?" I sighed, my face bright red. I was upset but it also made me feel really special with them all protecting me like that.

"What?" Roy barked, "He was obviously being super nice to you so he could ask you out and just this second he was about it do it."

Ross shrugged, "Your ours." He responded plainly.

Robert just furrowed his eyebrows in anger, a prompt nod followed after.

"I could have.. nicely.. told him, 'Oh sorry I'm already taken'. You guys probably scared him."

"Oh hush." Roy answered.

"What if he wasn't asking me-"

"He definitely was." Ross cut me off, crossing his arms.

"Yep. No doubt." Rob added.

"Yeah but-"

The three shared looks before tackling me into a group hug. My face became hot as I was trapped in between all of them. Robert kissed my temple, Roy only able to reach my chin, and Ross my cheek.

"Guyyysss..." I groaned, embarrassed, "People are looking at us stopp..."

"Let them stare. At least they know not to ask you out." Ross spat.

"You guys are being so protective right now..." I mumbled, looking annoyed even though I was actually enjoying all the attention.

"Well yeah! That's our job!" Robert said, squeezing me tighter.

I tried to wriggle out of their grips, "Cmon! We gotta get to class!" I whined.

They let go of me finally. We continued down the hall normally, except they were all closer to me than usual. I continued to pretend to be annoyed at them.

"You know you love us." Roy smirked.

"I do." I admitted with a sigh.

(871 words)

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